Det danske Fredsakademi

Kronologi over fredssagen og international politik 17. Juni 1940 / Time Line June 17, 1940

Version 3.0

16. Juni 1940, 18. Juni 1940

Det britiske passagerskib RMS Lancastria sænkes ved Saint-Nazaire i Frankrig under Dunkirk evakueringen af de britiske soldater.
Kilde: The Lancastria Association of Scotland.
'The Lancastria Association of Scotland is the leading campaigning organisation which aims to raise awareness of the sacrifice made on the 17th of June 1940 when an estimated 4000 people lost their lives when the Clyde built troopship Lancastria was sunk of the French coastal town of St. Nazaire by German bombers. The former Cunard liner sank in just 20 minutes. It is the worst disaster in British maritime history and the worst single loss of life for British forces in the whole of World War 2. The number of victims claimed in the Lancastria disaster was greater than the combined death toll of the Titanic and Lusitania sinkings combined.
Estimates on the number of victims range from 2500 to 6000. The most common figure quoted is 4000, twice the number lost on Titanic and the Lusitania combined. The exact death toll will never be known. It has been established however that the loss of Lancastria is the worst disaster in British maritime history and the worst single loss of life for British forces in the whole of World War 2'.

Estland og Letland besættes af Sovjetunionen.



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