Det danske Fredsakademi
Kronologi over fredssagen og international politik 15. Mars
1939 / Time Line March 15, 1939
Version 3.5
14. Mars 1939, 16. Mars 1939
Tjekkoslovakiet besættes af Nazityskland
Tyskland besætter Böhmen-Mähren i Tjekiet og
opretter et 'protektoratet'.
Tjekkiske pacifister sendes i tysk
kz-lejr: Hr. Lederer og hans hustru, og professor
Mudroch fra Forsoningsforbundet, tortureres og dør.
Tolstojs tidligere sekretær Valentine Bulgakov
overlever to år i tysk kz-lejr. Professor Flusser og hans kone
bringes fra koncentrationslejr til et ukendt sted i Polen og er
sandsynligvis døde.
Kilde: Blædel, Nic.: Forbrydelse og Dumhed :
Hitler-Krigens Forspil i europæisk Storpolitik.
København : H. Hagerup, 1945. - 621 s.
Nevin Sayre, John: Det internationale Forsoningsforbund og den
kommende Tid. I: Freds-Varden, 1946 s. 4-10.
Czechoslovakia occupied by Nazi Germany
Germany occupies Bohemia and Moravia in the Czech Republic and creates a 'protectorate'.
Czechoslovak pacifists are sent to German concentration camp: Mr. Lederer and his wife, and Professor Mudroch of the International Fellowship of Reconciliation, are tortured and dies. Tolstoy's former secretary Valentine Bulgakov survive two years in a German concentration camp. Professor Flusser and his wife were moved from a concentration camp to an unknown place in Poland and are probably dead.
Megan M. Whitehead: Sayre, John Nevin
'Between the years of 1935-1950, Sayre was a very busy man. He often found himself the head, the president, or the chair of various types of groups, such as the Fellowship of Reconciliation, the National Peace Conference, and the Emergency Peace Campaign. Following World War II, Sayre found himself rushing to the aid of European war resisters, which included pastors, Jews, and several others who were imprisoned or even tortured. After becoming the international secretary of the FOR, Sayre began traveling several different regions. In 1947 alone, he visited 15 Latin American nations, covering upwards of 14,000 miles. During his travels he was able to make some significant changes for the island nation of the Philippines. He was able to convince the president, Elpidio Quirino, to commute the death sentences of more than 100 Japanese prisoners of war by permitting them to return home to Japan. In the following years, Sayre continued to free Japanese prisoners from other nations.'
La Tchécoslovaquie occupée par l'Allemagne nazie
L'Allemagne occupe la Bohême et la Moravie en République tchèque et crée un «protectorat».
Pacifistes tchécoslovaques sont envoyés au camp de concentration allemand: M. Lederer et sa femme, et le professeur Mudroch du Mouvement International de la Réconciliation, sont torturés et meurt. Tolstoï ancien secrétaire Valentine Boulgakov survivre deux ans dans un camp de concentration allemand. Professeur Flusser et son épouse ont été déplacés d'un camp de concentration à un endroit inconnu en Pologne et sont probablement morts.
Checoslovaquia ocupada por la Alemania nazi
Alemania ocupa Bohemia y Moravia en la República Checa y crea un "protectorado".
Pacifistas checos son enviados al campo de concentración alemán: Sr. Lederer y su esposa, y el profesor Mudroch del Movimiento Internacional de la Reconciliación, son torturados y muere. El ex secretario de Tolstoi San Valentín Bulgakov sobrevivir a dos años en un campo de concentración alemán. El profesor Flusser y su esposa fueron trasladados de un campo de concentración a un lugar desconocido en Polonia y probablemente estén muertos.
Tschechoslowakei besetzt von Nazi-Deutschland
Deutschland besetzt Böhmen und Mähren in der Tschechischen Republik und schafft ein "Protektorat".
Tschechoslowakischen Pazifisten sind die deutschen Konzentrationslager geschickt: Herr Lederer und seine Frau, und Professor Mudroch der Der Internationale Versöhnungsbund, werden gefoltert und stirbt. Tolstois ehemalige Sekretärin Valentine Bulgakov überleben zwei Jahre in einem deutschen Konzentrationslager. Professor Flusser und seine Frau waren aus einem Konzentrationslager an einen unbekannten Ort in Polen verschoben und sind wahrscheinlich tot ist.
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