Det danske Fredsakademi

Kronologi over fredssagen og international politik 23. november 1936 / Timeline November 23, 1936

Version 3.5

22. November 1936, 24. November 1936

Nobel fredsprismodtageren i koncentrationslejren
Den norske Nobel-komité, ledet af professor Fredrik Strang, tildeler den tyske journalist og pacifist Carl von Ossietzky Nobels Fredspris for 1935. Med prisen fulgte en pengegave på 159.916.74 kr.: 'The symbol certainly has its value. But Ossietzky is not just a symbol. He is something quite different and something much more. He is a deed; and he is a man.
It is on these grounds that Ossietzky has been awarded the Nobel Peace Prize, and on these grounds alone. His candidacy was examined in the same manner as that of all others, and the decision was reached according to the same principles. If we look back upon all the men and women who have received the Peace Prize over the years, we find that they are of widely divergent personalities and views and that the lives of many of them were marked by passion, grief, and struggle. It is quite obvious that the Nobel Committee, in awarding the prize to these different personalities, has neither shared all the opinions which they held nor declared its solidarity with all of their work. The wish of the Nobel Committee has always been to fulfill its task and its obligation, namely, to reward work for peace - that and nothing else. And the Nobel Committee has been able to do so because it is totally independent. It is not answerable to anyone, nor do its decisions commit anyone other than itself'.



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