Det danske Fredsakademi

Kronologi over fredssagen og international politik marts 1934

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Februar 1934, April 1934

Kup i Spanien.



De amerikanska rustningsfirmornas metoder, senatskommitténs avslöjande / Sammanställda av Carl Brunskog.



Våbenhandel, USA ; Europa
Første del af Nye-kommisions undersøgelse af den europæiske og amerikanske våbenindustri offentliggøres. Blandt våbenfabrikanterne nævnes: Krupp, Betlehem Steel, Vickers-Armstrong, Scheneider-Creusot og Skoda:
pt. 1. September 4-6, 1934. Electric Boat Co. -- pt. 2. September 7, 1934. Driggs Ordnance & Engineering Co. -- pt. 3. September 7 and 10, 1934. American Armament Corporation -- pt. 4. September 10-12, 1934. Curtiss-Wright Export Corporation -- pt. 5. September 12-14, 1934. E.I. Du Pont de Nemours & Co. -- pt. 6. September 17 and 18, 1934. Pratt & Whitney Aircraft Co. and United Aircraft Exports, Inc. -- pt. 7. September 18-20, 1934. Federal Laboratories, Inc. -- pt. 8. September 20,21, 1934. Lake Erie Chemical Co. and U.S. Ordnance Engineers -- pt. 9. December 4 and 5, 1934. International munitions control -- pt. 10. December 5 and 6, 1934. Embargoes -- pt. 11. December 6,7, and 10, 1934. Chemical preparations following the war and interchange of military information -- pt. 12. December 11 and 12, 1934. Relationship of munitions makers to the government; international connections in the chemical industry -- pt. 13. December 13, 1934. Profiteering, government contracts and expenditures during World War, including Old Hickory contract -- pt. 14. December 14, 1934. Old Hickory contract (continued) -- pt. 15. December 17 and 18, 1934. Old Hickory contract (continued) and industrial organization in war ... pt. 16. December 19, 1934. Industrial organization in war (continued); examples in World War and plans for next war -- pt. 17. December 20 and 21, 1934. Industrial organization in war (concluded); examples in World War and plans for next war -- pt. 18. January 21-25,29,30, and 31, 1935. Naval shipbuilding; New York Shipbuilding Corporation. -- pt. 19. February 1,4-7, and 11, 1935. Naval shipbuilding; New York Shipbuilding Corporation (concluded) -- pt. 20 February 12-15, 18-21, 1935. Naval shipbuilding; Newport News Shipbuilding and Dry Dock Company -- pt. 21. February 22, 25-28, and March 12-15, 1935. Naval shipbuilding; Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corporation ... --pt. 22. March 19-21, 28-29, 1935. Limitation of war profits; wartime taxation and price control -- pt. 23. April 1-5, 1935. Naval Shipbuilding; Federal Shipbuilding and Dry Dock Company, Bath Iron Works Corp., Sun Shipbuilding and Dry Dock Co., United Dry Docks, Inc. -- pt. 24. Limitation of war profits and naval shipbuilding -- pt. 25. January 7 and 8, 1936. World War financing and United States industrial expansion, 1914-1915; J.P. Morgan & Company -- pt. 26. January 9 and 10, 1936. World War financing and United States industrial expansion, 1915 -- pt. 27. January 13 and 14, 1936. World War financing 1915; neutrality 1914-1917; J.P. Morgan & Company -- pt. 28. January 15 and 16, 1936. Neutrality 1914-17; World War financing 1916 -- pt. 29. February 4 and 5, 1936. Allied financing in the United States, 1917-1923; J.P. Morgan & Company -- pt. 30. February 6, 1936. Exhibits on wartime and post-war financing, 1914-1923 -- pt. 31. February 6, 1936. Exhibits on wartime and post-war financing, 1914-1923 (Continued) -- pt. 32. Februrary 6, 1936. Exhibits on wartime and post-war financing, 1914-1923 (Continued) -- pt. 33. Februrary 6, 1936. Exhibits on wartime and post-war financing, 1914-1923 (Continued) -- pt. 34. Exhibits on wartime and post-war financing, 1914-1923 (Continued) -- pt. 35. February 6, 1936. Exhibits on wartime and post-war financing, 1914-1923 (Concluded) -- pt. 36. February 6,7, and 10, 1936. Government manufacture of munitions; report of Interstate Commerce Commission ... -- pt. 37. February 11, 1936. Army Ordnance Association and Colt's Patent Fire Arms Manufacturing Company -- pt. 38. February 17-19, 1936. Sao Paulo, Brazil, revolt, 1932 and Disposal of surplus and obsolete government war materials -- pt. 39. February 20, 1936. Disposal of surplus and obsolete government war materials and international working arrangements between munitions companies; Lockheed Aircraft Corporation, Douglas Aircraft Co., Boeing Aircraft Co. -- pt. 40. Index
Kilder og litteratur: U.S. Senate. Munitions Industry Hearings Before the Special Committee Investigation the Munitions Industry, United States Senate, 73rd Congress, Pursuant to S. Res. 206, a resolution to make certain investigations concerning the manufacture and sale of arms and other war munitions . / Gerald P. Nye, chairman; Authur H. Vandenberg, presiding, Dec. 5, 1934, Feb. 4-7, 18, Apr. 15, 1935; Bennett C. Clark, presiding, Dec. 6, 1934; James P. Pope, presiding, Feb. 17-18, 1936-. - Washington : Government Printing Office, 1934-1943. 40 bind.
Munitions industry : report on government manufacture of munitions). / United States. Congress. Senate. Special Committee to Investigate the Munitions Industry - Washington : Government Printing Office, 1936. - 122 s.
Bd. 1 Electric Boat Co. - 687 s. -
Relations with Vickers 11
Relations with Austria, Germany 14
Relations with Vickers and Zaharoff 19
Zaharoff Income tax 37
Directors and stockholders 51
Relations with United States Government Departments 61
Relations with Zaharoff 65
Relations with South American countries 74
Relations with Peru 85-95
Peruvian Loan 104
Relations with Brazil 164
Relations with Argentine Republic 180
Relations with Vickers in South America 194
Relations with Zaharoff and Spain 205
Relations with United States Government 218
Foreign Relations Roumania 225
Foreign Relations Italy 226
Foreign Relations Germany 229
Foreign Relations Holland 238
Foreign Relations France 241
Foreign Relations Turkey 245
Foreign Relations Japan 252
Vickers 255
United States Government relations 260 Submarine building operations domestic and.foreign 263
United States Government business 281
Bd 4 Curtiss-Wright Export Corporation - 1609 s. -
Bd 7 Federal Laboratories - 2394 s. -
Bd 11 Chemical preparations following the war and interchange of military information - 3538 s.
Bd 15 Old Hickory contract (continued) and industrial organization in war - 5277 s.
Bd 36 Government manufacture of munitions - 136 s.
De amerikanska rustningsfirmornas metoder, senatskommitténs avslöjande. / Sammanställda av Carl Brunskog.
- Stockholm : Informationsbyrån Mellanfolkligt samarbete för fred, 1935. - 56 s. ; Skrifter utg av Informationsbyrån Mellanfolkligt samarbete för fred : 17).
Carl Brunskog dokumenterer bl.a. den samtidige militarisering af Sydamerika.
Brockway, A. Fenner: the Bloody Traffic.
- London: Victor Gollancz, 1933. - 288 s.
Coutant, Pierre-Roger: Le Contrôle du commerce international et de la fabrication privée des armes, munitions et matériels de guerre.
- Paris : F. Loviton, 1936. - 201 s.
Crowell, Benedict: America’s munitions 1917-1918 : Report of Benedict Crowell, the Assistant Secretary of War, Director of Munitions. Washington, D.C.: G.P.O., 1919.
Hudson, Manley Ottimer: Munitions industry : International regulation of the trade in and manufacture of arms and ammunition : A report on September 1, 1934, by the American committee in Geneva to the Special committee authorized by the Senate of the United States to investigate the munitions industry ... - Washington : , 1935. - V, 104 s.
Hørup, Ellen: De højere hensyn. I: Politikens kronik 1937.
Ellen Hørup beskriver bl.a. korruptionen i det fascistiske italien og olieselskabernes kamp om Albanien.
Hørup, Ellen: Ethiopia, member of the League of Nations?
- Geneva : Own publishing, [1936] -36 pp.
Ellen Hørup beskriver ud fra engelsk- og fransksprogede medier de politiske debatter omkring Folkeforbundet, våbenhandlen og sanktionspolitikken i forbindelse med Italiens overfald på Abessinien.
Index to Published Minutes of Evidence Taken Before the Royal Commission on the Private Manufacture of and Trading in Arms. - London: HMSO, 1936.
John Eldon Bankes, Sir; Great Britain. Royal Commission on the Private Manufacture of and Trading in Arms. - London, H.M. Stationery Off., 1936.
Laursen Svend: Rustningsindustrien: Staternes kontrol med Vaabenhandel og Vaabenproduktion.
- København : Institut for Historie og Samfundsøkonomi, 1938. - 93 s.
Eneste store danske analyse af Nye-kommissionens omfattende materiale og dokumentation.
Lehmann-Rußbüldt, Otto: Rustningsindustriens blodige Internationale.
- Københan : Fremad, 1933.
Fredspolitisk klassiker i dansk oversættelse.
Myers, Tom: Trade in armaments : making guns at home to export abroad dividends in death and destruction.
- London : Joseph Ward, [1928]. - 16 s.
Minutes of evidence taken before the Royal Commission on the Private Manufacture of and Trading in Arms. Royal Commission on the Private Manufacture of and Trading in Arms.- London : H.M.S.O., 1935-1936.
Nye Resolution to Investigate America's Armament Makers: A Primer on Europe's Armament Makers Who Prolong War and Disturp Peace.
- Washington : GPO, 1934. - 27 s.
Pille, Axel: Dødens Haandlangere : 12 Sider om Rustningskapitalen.
- København : Dansk Freds- og Folkeforbundsforening, [1936]. - 12 s.
Pille, Axel: Danmarks Rustningsindustri. I: Mennesket og magten, 1940:4 s. 6-7.
Lang artikel om Dansk Rekylriffel Syndikat A/S. Den formodentlig sidste danske artikel om våbenindustrien inden tyskernes besættelse af Danmark i april 1940.
Pille, Axel: Rustningskapitalen og dens Allierede.
I: Aldrig mere Krig 1926-1936 s. 27-30.
Artikel i Aldrig mere Krigs ti års jubilæumsskrift som bl.a. illustrerer bankernes rolle i den internationale våbenhandel.
Verbatim Summary of the Evidence presented by the Union of Democratic Control to the Royal Commission on the Private Manufacture of and Trading in Arms 17 - 18 July 1935Pollitt, Harry : Dynamite in the dock : Harry Pollitt's evidence before the arms inquiry commission. [- London? : Communist Party of Great Britain?, 1935?]
Royal Commission on the Private Manufacture of and Trading in Arms. Report. - London : 1936.
Statement Relating to Report of the Royal Commission on the Private Manufacture of and Trading in Arms, 1935-36. (Cmd. 5292 of 1936). - London: H.M. Stationery office, 1937.
This munitions "business" : Continue the Senate Exposures Hold in your city a "Repeat Hearing", A drama, with full directions for staging, based on the official testimony / Arranged by Paul Harris, Jr. and Research Staff of the National Council for Prevention of War, 532 Seventeenth Street, Northwest, - Washington, D. C., [1935] - 40 s.
Teaterstykke baseret på Nye-kommissionens referater.
Verbatim Summary of the Evidence presented by the Union of Democratic Control to the Royal Commission on the Private Manufacture of and Trading in Arms 17 - 18 July 1935.
- London : the Union of Democratic Control. [1935]. - 48 s.
Wiltz, John E.: In search of peace : The Senate munitions inquiry, 1934-36. (Baton Rouge) : Louisiana State Univ. Press, 1963. - XI + 277 s. : ill.

























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