Det danske Fredsakademi

Kronologi over fredssagen og international politik 4. januar 1929 / Time Line January 4, 1929

Version 3.5

3. Januar 1929, 5. Januar 1929

Kvindernes Internationale Liga for Fred og Frihed afholder kongres i Frankfurt am Main om studiet af moderne krigsmetoder og civilbefolkningens beskyttelse. Kongressen vedtager en resolution: “At der ikke gives nogen effektiv Beskyttelsesmaade overfor de Ødelæggelsesmetoder som Videnskaben har stillet i Krigens Tjeneste“.
Kilde: Pille, Axel: Luftværn : Hverken aktivt eller passivt Værn kan beskytte en Storbys Befolkning.
- København : Kvindernes internationale Liga for Fred og Frihed. 1934 s. [18].
Chemical warfare : an abridged report of papers read at an International Conference at Frankfort am Main, 1929, called by the Women's International League for Peace and Free-dom. / : Frida Perlen; Women's International League for Peace and Freedom. - London : Williams & Norgate Ltd., 1930.

The Women's International League for Peace and Freedom holds congress in Frankfurt am Main on the study of modern warfare and civilian protection. The Congress adopts a resolution: "That there be no effective Protective way towards the destruction methods that science has made in the War Services".
Source: Pille, Axel: Air Defence: Neither active or passive protection can protect the population of a major city.
- Copenhagen: Women's International League for Peace and Freedom [in Danish].1934 p [18].

"Modern Methods of Warfare and the Protection of the Civil Population," 1929.
Women's International League for Peace and Freedom Collection, IV-8-1, Archives, University of Colorado at Boulder Libraries, WILPF Papers, 1915-1978 (Microfilm, Reel 104, frame 389).
Members of WILPF committed to combating chemical weapons and their production initiated an aggressive educational forum--a study conference. Their original memo appealed to the emotions of the audience by implying that chemical weapons would be used in future wars to threaten civilian populations. The memo further called upon scientists, technicians, and social organizations to support complete disarmament, including the elimination of chemical warfare. WILPF hoped that horror of chemical warfare would enlist broad support for total disarmament.
The world situation has never been more critical.
Formerly war raged only over a limited area; the evil was localised.
Nowadays it tends to spread and become general.
Formerly insecurity and fear were generally confined to one place at a time.
Today the whole universe is "Balkanized," fires break out simultaneously all over the world.
The horrors of war have never threatened the world in a more terrifying way;
War has never threatened such extensive territories;
Never has it imperilled [sic] such masses of human beings as today, with the new methods of warfare.
It is no longer a question of conflicts between armed mercenaries;
It is not even a question of struggles involving mobilised male youth;
Today, it is as a celebrated phrase has describe it, "total war."
A new war would be above all a war of economic interests, in which the civil populations, without distinction of age or sex, would be "thrown into the abyss of war."
With the unlimited means of destruction provided by modern science, and the extension of the risks of war to civil populations, a new war would be a war involving the simultaneous extermination of the peoples, and which would threaten the whole of civilisation.
The object of the FRANKFORT CONFERENCE, -- which is to be a study conference, -- is to get from scientists and technicians of unquestioned attainments, particulars as to the destructive potentialities of modern science when used in the service of war, and as to the inanity of methods of protection.
Also to make known to the masses the danger which threatens them -- a danger of whose gravity and extent they are ignorant.
It is to warn them against the illusion that real protection is possible.
It is to lead them in this way to interest themselves in the problems of peace.
It is to incite them to act in favour of total and universal disarmament, the logical consequence of the pact for the renunciation of war, and the only efficacious measure.
We beg all those who for any reason take an interest in the questions to be discussed, to come and take part in it.
We invite workers’ organisations and political and social organisations to send delegates -- or observers -- who can report back to their group.
We ask all those who sympathise with our action to help us by giving moral and material support.
The Organising Committee.

Ligue internationale des femmes pour la paix et la liberté tient congrès à Frankfurt am Main sur l'étude de la guerre moderne et de la protection civile. Le Congrès adopte une résolution: «Qu'il n'y ait pas de moyen efficace de protection à l'égard des méthodes de destruction que la science a fait dans les services de guerre".
Source: Pille, Axel: la défense aérienne: Ni la protection active ou passive permet de protéger la population d'une grande ville.
- Copenhague: Ligue internationale des femmes pour la paix et la liberté [en danois]. 1934 p [18].

Liga Internacional de Mujeres por la Paz y la Libertad celebra congresos en Frankfurt am Main en el estudio de la guerra moderna y la protección civil. El Congreso aprueba una resolución: "Que no haya manera eficaz de protección hacia los métodos de destrucción que la ciencia ha hecho en los Servicios de guerra".
Fuente: Pille, Axel: Defensa Aérea: Ni protección activa o pasiva puede proteger a la población de una ciudad importante.
- Copenhague: Liga Internacional de Mujeres por la Paz y la Libertad [en danés] .1934 p [18].

Die Internationale Frauenliga für Frieden und Freiheit hält Kongress in Frankfurt am Main auf dem Studium der modernen Kriegsführung und den Schutz der Zivilbevölkerung. Der Kongress verabschiedet eine Entschließung: "Dass es keine wirksame Schutzmaßnahmen Weg in Richtung der Zerstörung Methoden, die Wissenschaft hat in den Krieg Dienstleistungen gemacht werden."
Quelle: Pille, Axel: Luftverteidigung: Weder aktive oder passive Schutz kann die Bevölkerung einer großen Stadt zu schützen.
- Kopenhagen: Internationale Frauenliga für Frieden und Freiheit [auf Dänisch]. 1934 p [18].



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