Det danske Fredsakademi

Kronologi over fredssagen og international politik 24. maj 1918 / Time Line May 24, 1918

Version 3.0

23. Maj 1918, 25. Maj 1918

Demokrati, England
Engelske kvækere arresteres for publicering af militærnægterpjecen “A challenge to Militarism”, i strid med Defence of the Ream-loven.
Kilde: Hirst, Margareth E.: The Quakers in Peace and War s. 515.

Democracy, England
English Quakers are arrested for publishing a conscientious pamphlet "A challenge to Militarism", contrary to the Defence of the Ream Act. Source: Hirst, Margaret E.: The Quakers in Peace and War p 515.
[A pamphlet describing the punishments inflicted on conscientious objectors in the 1914-18 war.]
- London, Friends' Service Committee [1918?]



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