Det danske Fredsakademi
Kronologi over fredssagen og international politik 21. december
1918 / Time Line December 21, 1918
Version 3.5
20. December 1918, 22. December 1918
Mutiny from Victoria to Vladivostok
Six weeks after the Armistice was signed in 1918, a contingent of
Canadian soldiers mobilized for battle in a new theatre of
war—Siberia. The day of their departure, 21 December 1918,
Quebecois conscripts in the 259th Battalion of the Canadian
Siberian Expeditionary Force mutinied in Victoria, BC. Latent
discontent was translated into collective resistance in an
encounter with the radical section of British Columbia’s
working class. National and class cleavages converged, revealing
deep tensions in Canadian society.
Source: Isitt, Benjamin: Mutiny from Victoria to
Vladivostok, December 1918. In: Canadian Historical Review 87,
no. 2 (June 2006): 223-264 -
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