Det danske Fredsakademi

Kronologi over fredssagen og international politik 11. Mars 1917 / Time Line March 11, 1917

Version 3.5

10. Mars 1917, 12. Mars 1917

Proclamation by General Maude
To the People of the Baghdad Vilayet

... our armies have not come into your Cities and Lands as conquerors or enemies but as liberators. Since the days of Hulaku your citizens have been subject to the tyranny of Strangers, your palaces have fallen into ruins, your gardens have sunken in desolation and yourselves have groaned in bondage.

...It is the wish not only of my King and his peoples, but it is also the wish of the great nations with whom he is in alliance that you should prosper ...

But you, the people of Baghdad, ... are not to understand that it is the wish of the British Government to impose upon you alien institutions. It is the hope of the British Government that the aspirations of your philosophers and writers shall be realised again.

O! People of Baghdad. ... I am commanded to invite you, through your Noblesand Elders and Representatives to participate in the management of your civil affairs in collaboration with the Political representatives of Great Britain who accompany the British Army so that you may unite with your kinsmen in the North, East, South and West in realising the aspirations of your race.

Kilde: Atiyyah, Ghassan: Iraq : 1908 - 1921 : A Socio - Political Study. - Beirut : The Arab Institute for Research and Publishing, 1973 s. 151.

Briterne erobrer og besætter Baghdad og Theran i Persien,
også kaldet Tyrkisk Arabien eller Mesopotanien.
Besættelsen medfører bl.a. en voldsom inflation i Irak.
Kilde: Atiyyah, Ghassan: Iraq : 1908 - 1921 : A Socio - Political Study. - Beirut : The Arab Institute for Research and Publishing, 1973 s. 94 og s. 151.
Fisk, Robert: Hvordan en historisk lektie om Irak gik i glemmebogen. I: Information, 06/29/2004.

Den russiske Duma og statsråd opløses.
Ny regering med Fyrst Lvov som chef. Den socialdemokratiske advokat Kerenskij forsvarsminister.
Kilde: Ravn-Jonsen, J.: Kerenskij : Det ny Ruslands Skaber.
- København : E. Jespersens forlag, 1917.- 111 s.



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