Det danske Fredsakademi

Kronologi over fredssagen og international politik 15. Juni 1917 / Time Line June 15, 1917

Version 3.0

14. Juni 1917, 16. Juni 1917

Demokrati, USA
Som et led i den amerikanske mobilisering underskriver præsident Woodrow Wilson loven om militær værnepligt / Selective Service, og spionageloven / the Espionage Act, som skærper straffe fra den amerikanske borgerkrig til op til tyve års fængsel og bøder på op til 10,000 dollar til personer som hjælper fjenden, forhindrer sessioner eller opfordrer militært personale til ulydighed / also declares nonmailable all written material advocating treason, insurrection, or forcible resistance to the law or the disclosure of information dealing with national defence. Loven anvendes også mod fagbevægelsen og politiske partier.
En anden paragraf i loven bemyndiger general postmesteren til at erklære: “unmailable all letters, circulars, newspapers, books, pamphlets, and other materials violating provisions of the Espionage Act”. Lovene administreres af justitsministeriets FBI som samarbejder med finansministeriets Secret Service, hærens Military Intelligence Division, og flådens Office of Naval Intelligence. Alle radikale grupper overvåges. Bureau of Translations and Radical Publications under US Post Office Department analyserer den radikale presse og postvæsnet forbyder distribution af den. Udenrigsministeriets Division of Eastern European Affaires efterforsker emigranters politiske holdninger.
Spionageloven er stadig gældende lov i USA.
Samme dag arresteres Emma Goldman for overtrædelse af værnepligtsloven. Samtidig idømmes Rose Pastor Stokes ti års fængsel for at skrive i et læserbrev til avisen the Kansas City Star: “No government which is for the profiteers can also be for the people, and I am for the people while the government is for the profiteers”. Blandt arresterede socialistiske pacifister og militærngtere i denne periode kan nævnes: Victor Berger, John Brocklesby, Wray Hoffman, William Kantor, Alfred Loeb, Erling Lunde, Charles Ruthenberg, Jacob Wortsman, Alfred Wagenknecht og Kate Richards O’Hare. Victor Berger for udtalelser som: “Personally, I was against the war before war was declared. But now since we are in the war, I want to win this war for democracy. Let us hope we will win the war quickly. The war of the United States against Germany cannot be justified. The blood of American boys is being coined into swollen profits for American plutocrats”.
Kilde: Branson, J. Howard: Why I Am a Conscientious Objector. 1920?
Kohn, Stephen M.: American Political Prisoners : Prosecutions under the Espionage and Sedition Acts. - Westport : Praeger, 1994. - 216 s. - ISBN 0-275-94415-8 [Haves: British Library!]
Lofton, John; The Press as Guardian of the First Amendment. - Columbia : The University of South Carolina Press, 1980. - ISBN 0-87249-389-X [haves: Universitetsbiblioteket i Oslo!]
Preston Jr., William: Aliens and Disenters : Federal Supression of Radicals, 1903-1933 . - Cambtidge Mass. : Havard University Press, 1963. - 352 s. [Haves: Statsbiblioteket].
Schmidt, Regin: Red Scare : FBI and the Origins of Anticommunism in the United States 1919-43. University of Copenhagen ; Museum Tusculanum, 2000. - 391 s. - ISBN 87-7289-581-0
Yoder, Anne: Conscientious Objection/Objectors : WWI, WWII, Vietnam Conflict. Microfilm releases
US Military Intelligence Reports: Surveillance of Radicals in the United States, 1917-41.
- Frederick, MD. : University Publications of America, 1984.



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