Det danske Fredsakademi

Kronologi over fredssagen og international politik 8. August 1914 / Timeline August 8, 1914

Version 3.5

7. August 1914, 9. August 1914

Midlertidig lov om regulering af priser på levnedsmidler og varer. Til administration heraf nedsætter indenrigsministeriet, ved kgl. anordning, Den overordentlige Kommission med repræsentanter fra partierne og de vigtigste erhvervs­organisationer som skal træffe foranstaltninger til landets forsyning med de nødvendige forbrugsartikler og fordelingen af dem, og som bemyndiges til at regulere handel med og priser på levnedsmidler og varer.
Kilder: Christensen, Jens: Socialdemokratiet under borgfredspolitikken 1914-18. I: Den jyske historiker, 1977:12 s. 65.
Hage, Christopher: Krigen og dens Virkninger for danske Handelsforhold. I: Tilskueren, 1914:2 s. 449-468.

Demokrati, England
Det britiske underhus vedtager censurloven, Defence of the Realm Act.

Democracy, England
The House adopts the censorship law, Defence of the Realm Act:
(1) His Majesty in Council has power during the continuance of the present war to issue regulations as to the powers and duties of the Admiralty and Army Council, and of the members of His Majesty's forces, and other persons acting in His behalf, for securing the public safety and the defence of the realm; and may, by such regulations, authorise the trial by courts martial and punishment of persons contravening any of the provisions of such regulations designed-
(a) To prevent persons communicating with the enemy or obtaining information for that purpose or any purpose calculated to jeopardise the success of the operations of any of His Majesty's forces or to assist the enemy; or
(b) To secure the safety of any means of communication, or of railways, docks or harbours; in like manner as if such persons were subject to military law and had on active service committed an offence under section 5 of the Army Act.
(2) This Act may be cited as the Defence of the Realm Act, 1914.



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