Det danske Fredsakademi

Kronologi over fredssagen og international politik 30. August 1907 / Timeline August 30, 1907

Version 3.5

30. August 1907, September 1907

Russisk-britisk traktat om delingen af Persien (Iran).
/ Convention respecting Persia, Afghanistan and Tibet signed, at St. Petersburg, August 31, 1907, by Sir Arthur Nicolsion, British ambassador to Russia, and Alexander P. Izvolski, Russian minister of foreign affairs.

En tripleentente grundlægges af Storbritannien, Frankrig og Rusland.
/ A Triple Entente is founded by Britain, France and Russia.
Litteratur: - , herunder The background of the war. History and texts. A. The Triple alliance. Russia's "Reinsurance" treaty with Germany. B. The triple entente and its friends. I. Franco-Russian alliance. II. The Anglo-French entente. III. The Anglo-Russian entente. IV. The Anglo-Japanese alliance. V. The Anglo-Portuguese alliance. Italy's friendly relations with France and Great Britain. Appendix: Texts of the treaties ..



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