Det danske Fredsakademi
Kronologi over fredssagen og international politik 2. Juli 1903
/ Time Line July 2, 1903
Version 3.0
1. Juli 1903, 3. Juli 1903
Lejekontrakt til USA af
regeringen i Cuba af visse områder af jord og vand for
flåde eller kul stationer i Guantánamo og Bahia Honda,
2 juli, 1903 / Lease to the United States by the Government of Cuba
of Certain Areas of Land and Water for Naval or Coaling Stations in
Guantanamo and Bahia Honda; July 2, 1903.
Kilde: Inter-American relations; collection of
documents, legislation, descriptions of inter-American
organizations, and other material pertaining to inter-American
affairs. / Compiled by Barry Sklar and Virginia M. Hagen. -
Washington: U.S. Govt. Print. Off., 1972.
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