Det danske Fredsakademi
Kronologi over fredssagen og international politik 15. Juni
1869 / Time Line June 15, 1869
Version 3.0
14. Juni 1869, 16. Juni 1869
verdensfredsjubilæum starter i Boston, USA, i anledning
af afslutningen af den amerikanske borgerkrig.
Salmen Hymn of Peace skrives til lejligheden af Oliver
Wendell Holmes. Fra første vers:
'Angel of peace, thou hast wandered too long;
Spread thy white wings to the sunshine of love!
Come while our voices are blended in song,
Fly to our ark like the storm-beaten dove—
Fly to our ark on the wings of the dove;
Speed o’er the far-sounding billows of song,
Crowned with the olive leaf garland of love;
Angel of peace, thou hast waited too long!'
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