Det danske Fredsakademi
Kronologi over fredssagen og international politik 1. Juni 1845
/ Time Line June 1, 1845
Version 3.0
Maj 1845, 2. Juni 1845
Sojourner Truth (she assumed the name Sojourner Truth, which
she believed God had given her as a symbolic representation of her
mission in life) sets out from New York on a historic journey
across America, preaching about the evils of slavery and promoting
women's rights, writes This Week In Peace History.
Litteratur: Sojourner Truth: Online Resources. / :
Compiled by Angela McMillian, Digital Reference Specialist.
Narrative of Sojourner Truth : a bondswoman of olden time,
emancipated by the New York Legislature in the early part of the
present century ; with a history of her labors and correspondence,
drawn from her "Book of Life".
- Boston : Published for the author, 1875. - 342 s.
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