Det danske Fredsakademi
Kronologi over fredssagen og international politik 9. januar
1819 / Time Line January 9, 1819
Version 3.5
8. Januar 1819, 10. Januar 1819
Fredsbevægelser ; USA
Salem Peace Society i Indiana, grundlægges: 'We the
subscribers in forming this Society, think proper to make the
following concise declaration of our motives & objects. Having
been impressed by considering the manifold evils & tremendeous
[sic] calamities of Public War; we earnestly wish that men may be
brought to view it in a just light, clearly to see its sad
influence, on the Political moral & religious of communities,
and its opposition to the design & spirit of the Gospel; and
that the true dignity and Happiness of a People result from
Impartial Justice towards all Nations, and the Spirit & Virtues
of Peace.'
Kilde: Salem (Indiana) Peace Society Minutes,
1818-1826 / Edited by Pamela J. Bennett.
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