Zola, Émile

F. 1840 D. 1902
Fransk forfatter og pacifist. Medvirkede til at Dreyfussagen blev genoptaget.
Blandt Émile Zolas romaner er: Krigen (Politikens forlag, 1905).


Albert, Charles: Emile Zola (1898). - 16 s. ; Bibliothèque des Temps Nouveaux, No. 12.
- http://archive.org/details/2916937.0001.001.umich.edu
Charles Albert is the pseudonym of Charles Victor Albert Fernand Daudet.
The Trial of Emile Zola. / Benjamin Ricketson Tucker. 1898
- http://archive.org/details/TheTrialOfEmileZola
'Partial transcript of the trial of Emile Zola in early 1898 in connection with the Dreyfus affair.'

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