Wittner, Lawrence
- Lawrence S. Wittner (wittner@albany.edu) was born in 1941 in
Brooklyn, New York. He attended Columbia College, the University of
Wisconsin, and returned to Columbia University, where he received
his Ph.D. in History in 1967. Since then he has taught at Hampton
Institute, Vassar College, Japanese universities (under the
Fulbright program), and the State University of New York/Albany,
where he is currently a Professor of History. A former president of
the Council on Peace Research in History (now the Peace
History Society), he has written extensively on the history of
peace movements and on the history of U.S. foreign policy. His
books include "Rebels Against War" (1969, rev. ed. 1984), "Cold War
America" (1974, rev. ed. 1978), "American Intervention in Greece"
(1982), and the three volumes of "The Struggle Against the Bomb"
(1993, 1997, 2003, Stanford University Press). In addition, he has
edited three other books, co-edited the journal "Peace &
Change", and written more than a hundred articles and book reviews.
A longtime participant in the peace, civil rights, and labor
movements, Wittner also performs (instrumentally and vocally) with
the Solidarity Singers at peace and social justice
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