The Workmen's Peace Association of Great Britain

Arbejdsmændenes fredsorganisation i Storbritannien. Engelsk fredsgruppe grundlagt 1882 af grundlagt af William Randal Cremer med afsæt i The Workmen's Peace Committee etableret i 1870. Blandt dem, der deltog ved etableringen af denne organisation var mange af de mest kendte mænd i den tids fagforeningsverden og det politiske liv: den radikale skomager George Odger, væveren fra Spitalfields Mottershead, Guile, den dygtige generalsekretær i Friendly Society of Ironfounders, Benjamin Lucraft, medlem af Londons skolebestyrelse og en række andre personligheder.
'At this meeting the Honorary Secretary of the Workmen's Peace Committee, after announcing that the working-men of upwards of three hundred towns had given their adhesion to the platform of the Committee, thus showing a determination to abolish war altogether, moved the following resolution, which was adopted:---
"That war, especially with the present many fearful contrivances for wholesale carnage an destruction, is repugnant to every principle of reason, humanity, and religion; and this meeting earnestly invites all civilized and Christian peoples to insist upon the abolition of standing armies, and the settlement by arbitration of all international disputes." [Footnote: Herald of Peace for 1870, October 1st, p. 125.] Citeret fra: Sumner, Charles, 1811-1874 - The Duel Between France and Germany (1911).
Foreningen udgav tidsskriftet The Arbitrator: Organ Of The Workmen's Peace Association, 1882-1953?
Se også: Anglo-French Intervention Committee ; the International Arbetration League.


France. The Workmen's Peace Association of England to be Introduced. In: New York Times 7. September 1875.

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