The Workmen's Peace
Association of Great Britain
- Arbejdsmændenes fredsorganisation i
Storbritannien. Engelsk fredsgruppe grundlagt 1882 af grundlagt
af William Randal Cremer med
afsæt i The Workmen's Peace Committee etableret i 1870.
Blandt dem, der deltog ved etableringen af denne organisation var
mange af de mest kendte mænd i den tids fagforeningsverden og
det politiske liv: den radikale skomager George Odger,
væveren fra Spitalfields Mottershead, Guile, den dygtige
generalsekretær i Friendly Society of Ironfounders, Benjamin
Lucraft, medlem af Londons skolebestyrelse og en række andre
'At this meeting the Honorary Secretary of the Workmen's Peace
Committee, after announcing that the working-men of upwards of
three hundred towns had given their adhesion to the platform of the
Committee, thus showing a determination to abolish war altogether,
moved the following resolution, which was adopted:---
"That war, especially with the present many fearful contrivances
for wholesale carnage an destruction, is repugnant to every
principle of reason, humanity, and religion; and this meeting
earnestly invites all civilized and Christian peoples to insist
upon the abolition of standing armies, and the settlement by
arbitration of all international disputes." [Footnote: Herald of
Peace for 1870, October 1st, p. 125.] Citeret fra: Sumner, Charles,
1811-1874 - The Duel Between France and Germany (1911).
Foreningen udgav tidsskriftet The Arbitrator: Organ Of The
Workmen's Peace Association, 1882-1953?
- Se også: Anglo-French Intervention Committee ; the
International Arbetration League.
France. The Workmen's Peace Association of England to be
Introduced. In: New York Times 7. September 1875.
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