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Soldater som utilsigtet skyder på egne soldater under krig eller besættelse.
Se også: Fragging ; non-hostile gun shot.


Dahlin, Ulrik: Danske jagerpiloter nøjes ned koffein. I: Information, 06/10/2004.
1. dansk soldat dræbt / Henrik Brun ; Charlotte Aagaard. I: Information, 08/26/2003.
De vil ikke [under Koreakrigen]. I: Tværtimod, 1951:11 s. 168-169.
Friendly fire shootdown of Army helicopters over northern Iraq : hearing before the Military Personnel Subcommittee of the Committee on National Security, House of Representatives, One Hundred Fourth Congress, first session, hearing held, August 3, 1995. - Washington : U.S. G.P.O., 1995. -
Top Secret CIA 'Official History' of the Bay of Pigs: Revelations.
'Friendly Fire' Reported as CIA Personnel Shot at Own Aircraft : New Revelations on Assassination Plots, Use of Americans in Combat. / Peter Kornbluh. National Security Archive Electronic Briefing Book No. 355. August 15, 2011.
Aagaard, Charlotte: Forsvaret erkender reelt skyld. I: Information, 08/30/2003.

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