
Græsk: I lydteknologi: Med rumvirkning, rumlig, stereofoni. De metoder, ved hvilke lyd optages og gengives, således, at den særlige retningsvirkning, der skyldes at man hører med to ører, ikke går tabt. Begrebet kendes fra 1927. Steriofoniske optagelser udvikles i 1930erne og bliver almindelige eksempelvis i film, grammofonplader og radio efter anden verdenskrig.


Improvements in and relating to sound-transmission, sound-recording and sound-reproducing systems / : Alan Dower Blumlein, 1931.
Shankleman, Martin: Early stereo recordings restored : Unique recordings by the inventor of stereo have been cleaned up so the public can hear them properly for the first time. They include Sir Thomas Beecham conducting the London Philharmonic Orchestra (LPO) at Abbey Road Studios in 1934. The recordings were made by Alan Blumlein, an EMI research engineer, whose contribution to the invention of stereo sound is only now starting to be appreciated. BBC News, 2008.
The Story of Stereo 1880-. / : John Sunier.
- New York : Gernsback Library, 1960; Gernsback Library Book, 98)
'A short history of the development of stereophonic sound. John Sunier discusses film, tape, and disc storage, and recording and reproduction techniques.'

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