Scandihoovians Sings Scandinavian Folk Songs, 1963.


Amerikansk: Slang for skandinaviske emigranter i USA og Canada.
Begrebet stammer fra 1880erne og refererer til den snustobak de svenske skovarbejdere i Minisota tykkede på.
Remarks by Bill Nye,
... The tobacco used by the pine choppers of the northern forest is called the Scandihoovian. I do not know why they call it that, unless it is because yon can smoke it in Wisconsin and smell it in Scandihoovia....
This full etext Remarks (Part A, also see Part B) of 1888 by Bill Nye (Edgar W. Nye), at Guthenberg.
Snoose (logging)
(also found as "snus," from the Swedish). Damp snuff for chewing, used by lumberjacks. It is said that no one knows what is in it, but all agree it is most powerful chewing tobacco. It was placed under upper or lower lip.
Same as Copenhagen, Scandihoovian-dynamite, Swede-brain-food, Swedish-conditioner-powder...
View more information about logging elsewhere at
Se også: Polkabilly ; Nya Swerige ; Sønner av Norge.

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