Kilde: |
Uddrag af Bülows Kopibog. I: Meddelelser fra Krigsarkiverne, 1883 s. 233.
Litteratur |
Ejsing, Jens: Slavernes efterkommere vil have erstatning.
I: Berlingske Tidende, 03/31/2004.
A History of the Upper Guinea Coast 1545-1800. / : Walter Rodney. Monthly Review Press, 1970.
Millioner lever som slaver / Anders Gylling Trier ;
Christina Zemanova Ekelund. I: Politiken, 04/14/2004.
Vitus Harritshøj, Rune: Slavernes børenbørn
kræver erstatning. I: Information, 06/02/2003.
Vor tids slaver. Tema i: Kontakt, 2001:1.
Work Projects Administration: Slave Narratives: a Folk
History of Slavery in the United States: From Interviews with
Former Slaves, Administrative Files. Selected Records Bearing on
the History of the Slave Narratives. Typewritten Records Prepared
by the Federal Writers' Project 1936-1938, Assembled by the Library
of Congress Project Work Projects Administration for the District
of Columbia, Sponsored by the Library of Congress. - Washington :