Josef Rotblat

Rotblat, Joseph

F. 1908 D. 2005
Polsk-engelsk atomfysiker, atompacifist og humanist. Medvirkede ved fremstillingen af de første atombomber i England og i USA under anden verdenskrig, hcornder han som en af de første videnskabsmænd forlod projektet pga moralske og etiske overvejelser. Britisk statsborger 1946. Joseph [Józef] Rotblat er medstifter af The Atomic Science Commission 1946? Emeritus Professor of Physics at the University of London and Emeritus President of the Pugwash Conferences on Science and World Affairs. Medunderskriver på Russell-Einstein-manifestet 1955. Medstifter af Pugwash Conferences on Science and World Affaires 1957. Medstifter af SIPRI 1966. Priser: The Albert Einstein Peace Prize 1992, Nobels Fredspris, 1995. Copernicus Medal of the Polish Academy of Scientists in 1996, The Jamnalal Bajaj Peace Award in 1999. Omfattende litterær produktion.

Radioudsendelser / Radio Broadcasts

Radio Netherlands: WMD: Weapons of Mass Destruction / Interview with Joseph Rotblat; producer Michelle Ehrenstein 2005. Part I + 2.


Joseph Rotblat: Visionary for Peace / edited by Reiner Braun et al.
- Weinheim : WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co.KGaA, 2007. - 355 s. - ISBN: 978-3-527-40690-6
The Arms Race at a Time of Decision : Annals of Pugwash, 1983. Atoms and the Universe.
The British Nuclear Weapons Programme 1952-2002.
Building Global Security through Cooperation : Annals of Pugwash 1989.
Coexistence, Cooperation, and Common Security : Annals of Pugwash, 1986. Confronting the Challenges of the 21st Century : Proceedings of the Forty-Ninth Pugwash Conference on Science and World Affairs, Rustenburg, South Africa 7-13 September 1999.
Conversion of Military R&D.
Disarmament : 1996--Disarmament at a Critical Juncture Panel Discussions Organized by the NGO Committee on Disarmament.
Ending War : The Force of Reason Essays in Honour of Joseph Rotblat, Nl, Frs.
The Long Roads to Peace : Proceedings of the Forty-Eighth Pugwash Conference on Science and World Affairs.
A Quest for Global Peace : Rotblat And Ikeda on War, Ethics And the Nuclear Threat.
Nuclear Radiation in Warfare.
Nuclear Reactors : To Breed or Not to Breed a Pugwash Debate on Fast Breeder Reactors Held at the Royal Society, London, on 28 Sept. 1976 under the Chairmanship of Alec Merrison.
A Nuclear-Weapon-Free World : Desirable? Feasible?
Nuclear Weapons : The Road to Zero.
Proceedings of the Forty-Third Pugwash Conference on Science and World Affairs, Hasseludden Sweden, 9-15 June, 1993 : A World at the Crossroads, New Conflicts, New Solutions.
Proceedings of the Forty-Fourth Pugwash Conference on Science and World Affairs, Kolymbari, Crete, Greece, 30 June-6 July 1994 : Towards a War-Free World.
Remember Your Humanity : Proceedings of the 47th Pugwash Conference on Science and World Affairs.
Scientists, the Arms Race, and Disarmament : A Unesco/Pugwash Symposium
Scientists in the Quest for Peace : A History of the Pugwash Conferences.
Security, Cooperation and Disarmament The Unfinished Agenda for 1990S, Proceedings of the 46th Pugwash Conference Strategic Defences and the Future of the Arms Race.
Strategic Defences and the Future of the Arms Race A Pugwash Symposium.
Striving for Peace, Security and Development in the World Annals of Pugwash 1991 Annals of Pugwash 1991.
Towards a Nuclear-Weapon-Free World : Proceedings of the Forty-Fifth Pugwash Conference on Science and World Affairs Hiroshima, Japan 23-29 July, 1995. Towards a War-Free World : Annals of Pugwash 1994. War No More : Eliminating Conflict in the Nuclear Age.
A World at the Crossroads : New Conflicts, New Solutions Annals of Pugwash 1993.
World Citizenship Allegiance to Humanity.

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