Rankin, Jeannette

F. 1880 D. 1973
Jeanette Rankin var en amerikansk republikansk pacifist og kvindesagsforkæmper. Hun var medlem af the National American Woman Suffrage Association (stemmeretsforening) og the Women's Peace Party i begyndelsen af første verdenskrig. Første kvindelige medlem af USAs kongres for Montana (1916-1919 og 1940-1943). Jeanette Rankin stemmer som den eneste amerikanske politiker imod USAs deltagelse både i første og anden verdenskrig og var i øvrigt også modstander af Vietnamkrigen!
Hun var medlem af the American Civil Liberties Union, the National Council for the Prevention of War og the Women's International League for Peace and Freedoms amerikanske afdeling til 1928, hvor hun grundlægger Georgia Peace Society og the Georgia Conference on the Cause and Cure of War, fordi ligaen angiveligt ikke er pacifistisk nok.
Statue i The National Statuary Hall Collection. Jeanette Rankin Brigade, Jeannette Rankin Peace Center og Jeannette Pickering Rankin Foundation er opkaldt efter hende.
Arkiv: Swarthmore College Peace Collection
: Most of the Rankin papers are located at the Montana Historical Society. I believe the Schlesinger Library on the History of Women in America (located at Harvard), has a copy of these papers on microfilm. The Peace Collection has a significant set of files on Rankin's term as secretary of the National Council for Prevention of War during the 1920s and 1930s, writes Wendy E. Chmielewski.


CRS: Women in Congress, 1917-2016: Biographical and Committee Assignment Information, and Listings by State and Congress.
/ : Jennifer E. Manning ; Ida A. Brudnick, 2016.
Jeannette Rankin, first lady in Congress : a biography / Hannah Josephson. - Indianapolis : Bobbs-Merrill, [1974] - xii, 227 s.
Rankin, Jeannette: Jeannette Rankin. Regional Oral History Office, University of California, Berkeley 1974. Available from the Online Archive of California; UC Berkeley, Regional Oral History Office - Suffragists Oral History Project.
Rankin, Jeannette: Jeannette Rankin : Activist for world peace, women's rights, and democratic government / Interviews conducted by Malca Chall and Hannah Josephson, with an afterword by John Kirkley Publisher Berkeley : Bancroft Library, University of California, 1974.

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