
Græsk: Den del af litteraturen som beskæftiger sig med eller er digterkunsten og digtningen ofte på vers.
Se også: Bindebrev ; embaterier ; folkedigtning ; hyrdedigt ; kabaret ; klagesang ; lyrik ; salme ; sonet.


Allen Ginsberg lecture on English and American lyric poetry, July, 1996. (July 3, 1996)
- http://www.archive.org/details/Allen_Ginsberg_lecture_on_English_and_Am_96P049
'First half of an Allen Ginsberg lecture on English and American lyric poetry. Ginsberg reads William Blake's "Let the brothels of paris be opened," "The gray monk," "The Mask of anarchy," "The ballad of Sir Patrick Spense," "The Holy land of walsingham" and "Weep you no more, sad fountains," followed by Thomas Wyatt's "My lute awake," "Forget not yet," "They flee from me," "Gasgoyne's lullaby" and "Tickborn's elegy." '
Lives in Poetry. / : John Scales Avery. 2020.

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