Politisk revy nr. 121, 1969


Hebrarisk, græsk, latin: Påskefest, opstandelse.
Oprindelig jødisk naturfest, hvor der ofres lam.
Også kristen opstandelsesfest.
Se også: Påskefred 1900 ; påskekrisen 1948 ; påskekuppet 1920 ; påskemarch ; religion.


Encyclopedia of Easter, Carnival and Lent : a guide to this season’s joyous celebration and solemn worship, including folk customs, religious observances, history, legends, folklore, symbols, and related days from Europe, the Americas, and around the world. Supplemented by a bibliography, list of web sites, and index / by Tanya Gulevich : illustrated by Mary Ann Stavros-Lanning. Omnigraphics, Inc., 2002. - 752 s.
'This one-volume encyclopedia provides teachers, students, parents, and librarians with a convenient source of information on virtually every aspect of Easter and related holidays. The book also covers customs and observances associated with Lent as well as the Carnival celebrations that traditionally precede it. This handy reference source contains more than 150 alphabetically arranged entries on Easter, Carnival, and Lent. These entries cover folk customs and religious observances from around the world, the biblical figures associated with them, and their history, myths, legends, and symbols. Each entry includes a list of books for further reading, and many entries list web sites that contain further information. Black-and-white illustrations complement the text.'

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