Operation Danish Bacon

Militærkirugers øvelser i at operere levende dyr. Øvelserne foregår hos Forsvarets Sundhedstjeneste i Jærgerspris.
Øvelserne er forbudt i en række lande, herunder Storbritannien.
Danish military surgeons exercises in or to operate live animals. The exercises takes place at the Defence Health Service in Jærgerspris.
The exercises are banned in several countries, including the UK.
Operation Danish Bacon
- http://www.publications.parliament.uk/pa/cm199900/cmhansrd/vo000605/text/00605w05.htm
'Mr. Baker: To ask the Secretary of State for Defence, pursuant to his answer of 19 May 2000, Official Report, columns 288-89W, concerning Operation Danish Bacon, how battlefield injuries are simulated in the exercise Operation Danish Bacon. [124243]
Dr. Moonie: The Surgical Training Exercises in Denmark use pigs as surgical models because they are considered to have the closest physiological response to humans and are similar in size and weight. The pigs are deeply anaesthetised and then wounded by Danish Armed Forces' marksmen using weapons of three different calibres. Each animal is then given medical treatment as if it were a human casualty wounded in battle. Throughout, the pigs remain deeply anaesthetised and are humanely killed at the end of the exercise without regaining consciousness. Veterinary staff are in attendance at all times during the exercise and may withdraw an animal at any point for any reason.'


Fogt, Lars: Forsvaret opererer løs på levende grise. I: Belingske Tidende, 05/30/2004.
Fogt, Lars: Operation Danish Bacon. I: Belingske Tidende, 05/30/2004.

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