Organisationen for sikkerhed og samarbejde i Europa. OSCE som nu består af 56 medlemslande er en fortsættelse af CSCE som det primære instrument i Europa for tidlig varsling, konflikt-forebyggelse, krisestyring og rehabilitering efter krig.
OSCE kan erklære embargo og forbyde trafficking.

On 17 November 1990, CSCE participating States adopted the Vienna Document 1990, which built upon and added to the confidence- and security-building measures contained in the Document of the Stockholm Conference 1986. On 4 March 1992, the participating States adopted the Vienna Document 1992, which built upon and added to the confidence- and security-building measures contained in the Vienna Document 1990. On 28 November 1994, the participating States similarly adopted the Vienna Document 1994. On 16 November 1999, the Vienna Document 1999 was adopted in Istanbul at the Plenary Meeting of the OSCE Forum for Security Co-operation.

Vienna Document 1999:

The Vienna Document 1999 establishes confidence- and security-building measures (CSBMs) that involve:


Ditzel, Meta N.: OSCE - Et redskab for freden i Europa. Forlaget Hedeskov, 1996. - 23 s.
OECD: Guidelines on Helping Prevent Violent Conflict.
OSCE sender valgobservatører til USA. / Andrew Buncombe ; Andrew Gumbel. I: Information, 08/12/2004.

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