mika / mica - glimmer

Mika er et mineral, der bl.a. bruges som glimmer i en række makeup-produkter f.eks. øjenskygge.
I Indien stammer en stor del af mika-produktionen fra ulovlige miner i delstaterne Jharkhand og Bihar, hvor børnearbejde er udbredt. Således var Indiens officielle eksport af mika i 2012 otte gange højere end Indiens officielle produktion af mika, oplyser Indien Bureau of Mines (IBM).
/ Mica is a mineral, in particular used in a variety of makeup products for example. eyeshadow.
In India, a large part of the Mica Chemicals production comes from illegal mines in the states of Jharkhand and Bihar, where child labor is widespread. Thus, India's official export of Mica in 2012, was eight times higher than India's official production of Mica Chemicals, according to India Bureau of Mines (IBM).


DanWatch: Hvem lider for skønheden? / Nina Lendal, 2014.
- http://www.danwatch.dk/sites/default/files/documentation_files/Opret%20Artikel/hvem_lider_for_skoenheden_final.pdf
2012 Minerals Yearbook: U.S. Department of the Interior, U.S. Geological Survey
- http://minerals.usgs.gov/minerals/pubs/commodity/mica/ , og
- http://minerals.usgs.gov/minerals/pubs/commodity/mica/myb1-2012-mica.pdf

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