
Latin: Oprindelig betydning: Ødelæggelse af papir ved tilsmudsning, ofte i forbindelse med censur og efterretningsvirksomhed, eksempelvis: 'Rigsarkivaren vil nu undersøge, om efterretningstjenesten har destrueret dokumenter om betydningsfulde politikere i strid med arkiveringsloven.'
'At bogen på det nærmeste er ødelagt, er tydeligt. Og det i en sådan grad, at dagbogen i årtier ikke har været benyttet, ikke mindst den fysiske makulering', vurderer Det kongelige Bibliotek skaderne på Georg Brandes dagbøger.
Også kommercielle publikationer som vurderes værende værdiløse malkulees med en malkulator.
Og 'Annan finds no grounds for disciplining former aide in Oil-for-Food probe 28 April 2005 – Secretary-General Kofi Annan has found that there is no ground for disciplinary action against his former Chef de Cabinet, Iqbal Riza, who was criticized by the independent committee probing alleged misconduct and mismanagement in the United Nations Oil-for-Food programme for Iraq for imprudently shredding documents. The Independent Inquiry Committee (IIC) headed by former United States Federal Reserve Chairman Paul Volcker found that Mr. Riza acted imprudently and did not follow his own directive, but it found no violations of staff rules, UN spokesman Stephane Dujarric told the daily news briefing in New York.'
Se også: Autodafe.


Advisory Committee on Human Radiation Experiments: Hearings.
Friday December 16, 1994, Washington, D.C.
'In furtherance of your charter, the atomic veteran records, although initially designed to investigate the extent of human exposure to ionizing radiation, were subsequently rendered useless by fire, shredding and classification.'
Innstilling fra kontroll- og konstitusjonskomiteen om årsmelding til Stortinget fra Stortingets kontrollutvalg for etter-retnings-, overvåkings- og sikkerhetstjeneste (EOS-utvalget) for 2005. Dokument nr. 20 (2005-2006). - 12 s.
Iran Contra at 25: Reagan and Bush 'criminal liability' evaluations.
National Security Archive Electronic Briefing Book No. 365, 2011.
'At the center of the public's perception of the scandal was the revelation that the two previously unconnected covert activities -- trading arms for hostages with Iran and backing the Nicaraguan Contras against congressional prohibitions -- had become joined. This memo from Oliver North is the main piece of evidence to survive which spells out the plan to use "residuals" from the arms deals to fund the rebels. Justice Department investigators discovered it in North's NSC files in late November 1986. For unknown reasons it escaped North's notorious document "shredding party" which took place after the scandal became public.'
PET lod jurister afgøre historisk relevans : Historikere har ikke haft noget at sige, når Politiets Efterretningstjeneste skulle vurdere, hvorvidt sagsakter burde gemmes af historiske hensyn. Den beslutning blev alene truffet af jurister, og det bekymrer forskere.. / Ulrik Dahlin, Anton Geist. Lagt på 30. april 2012. Bragt i den trykte udgave 1. maj 2012 på side 6 i 1. sektion.
'Frem til det såkaldte »makuleringsstop« blev indført i april 1998, var det alene jurister, der besluttede, om akter i PET’s arkiv skulle bevares for eftertiden.'

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