Mead, Lucia Ames

F. 1856 D. 1936
Lucia Ames Mead var et fremtrædende amerikansk medlem af mange feministiske og pacifistiske organisationer, herunder Kvindernes Fredsparti. Mead var delegeret til den stiftende konference i Kvindernes Internationale Liga for Fred og Frihed i 1919 og tjente som næstformand i bestyrelsen for Det Nationale Råd for Forebyggelse af Krig. Hun var også medlem af det nationale kvinderåd i USA og mange andre amerikanske feministiske foreninger. Arkiv: Swarthmore College Peace Collection.


Mead, Lucia True Ames: A primer of the peace movement. - Washington: DC, American peace society, 1904 ; 1905 ; 1915.
Mead, Lucia True Ames: Educational organizations promoting international friendship (1912).
Mead, Lucia True Ames: Memoirs of a millionaire. - Boston ; New York: Houghton, Mifflin and company, 1890.
Mead, Lucia True Ames: Milton's England ...- Boston : L.C. Page & Co., 1903 ; 1908.
Mead, Lucia True Ames: The overthrow of the war system, by Jane Addams ... [med flere] Lucia Ames Mead, editor. - Boston: The Forum publications, 1915.
Mead, Lucia True Ames: Patriotism and the new internationalism. Published for the International union. - Boston: Ginn & company, 1906.
Mead, Lucia True Ames: Patriotism and Peace: How to Teach Them in Schools (1910).
Mead, Lucia True Ames: Swords and ploughshares; or, The supplanting of the system of war by the system of law. with a foreword by Baroness von Suttner. - New York ; London: G. P. Putnam's sons, 1912.
Mead, Lucia True Ames: To whom much is given. - New York ; Boston: T.Y. Crowell & co., [1899].
What Young People Ought to Know about War and Peace ... (1916).

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