INFOCOM Electronics A/S

Dansk våbenfabrik etableret 1982, en del af det danske militær-industrielle kompleks. Ansatte omkring 110. Dattervirksomheder: Infocom Training Systems A/S, Sønderborg, 100%. - Infocom Software Support A/S, Sønderborg, 100%. - Infocom Invest A/S, Sønderborg, 100%. - Infoco Systems A/S, Sønderborg, 100%. - Infocom Communication A/S, Sønderborg, 100%. Medlem af Naval Team Denmark. Producerer bl.a. : automated fire calculation and managment system for the artillery, Training Equipment for Missile Operators: Training equipment (simulator) for training of low level air defence missile operators in target detection, target acquisition and target tracking; Up-Date of Radioprobe Stations; træningssystem til det danske forsvar, ADT 4000. I 2002 overtaget af Mærsk Data Defence.

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