the International Fellowship of Reconciliation

Det internationale Forsoningsforbund også kaldet Bevægelsen henimod et kristeligt Internationale. International pacifistisk, kristen fredsbevægelse oprettet 1914. Kristeligt Fredsforbund og senere Forsoningsforbundet, den danske afdeling. Blandt organisationens medlemmer kan nævnes: Natanael Beskow, Arthur William Blaxall, George Davies, Oliver Dryer, Philip Eastman, J. de Graaf, Henry Hodgen, Beatrice Hoysted, Jean Lasserre, Henri Roser, John Nevin Sayre, Michael Scott, Douglas V. Steere. International Fellowship of Reconciliation udsender tidsskriftet IFOR Report og IFOR Annual Report.


Brittain, Vera: The Rebel Passion: A short history of some pioneer peacemakers.
- London: Allen & Unwin, 1964 - 240 s.
Roberts, Richard: The Will to love : an address to Christian parents and Sunday school teachers.
- London : Fellowship of Reconciliation, 1915? - 15 s.
'This Message is sent you by the Committee of the Friends First-day School Association in the hope that it may help you in your work with the Children. July, 1915.
I WANT to ask you, parents and teachers and, indeed, all of you who are present who have to do with children, to consider the character of the task which is laid upon us by the circumstances of the present time. By common consent this war represents the end of an age. It shows that the principles which have governed Western civilisation are bankrupt; and that the historical conditions which have issued in this terrible catastrophe must be completely transformed. On every side the determination is expressed that this must never happen again...'

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