INF; INF-traktaten

Intermediate Range Nuclear Forces.
Mellemdistanceatomvåben, som har en rækkevidde på 1500 til 5000 km.
Antallet af amerikaanske og sovjetiske mellemdistanceatomvåben kunne under og efter afslutningen af den kolde krig reguleres nedad af den historiske INF-traktaten fra 1987 . Traktaten er opsagt den 2. august 2019.
Se også: Atomvåben ; international politik ; våbenkontrol.


The INF Treaty and the Future of Western Security / Jonathan Dean ; Peter Clausen.
- Washington DC : Union of Concerned Scientists, 1988. - 24 s.

The INF Treaty, 1987-2019
Historic Reagan-Gorbachev arms control agreement expires today Declassified documents show major advances on verification, missed opportunities for conventional and strategic arms cuts
National Security Archive Electronic Briefing Book No. 679
Washington D.C., August 2, 2019 – The Intermediate-range Nuclear Forces Treaty negotiated by U.S. President Ronald Reagan and Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev in 1987 not only eliminated an entire class of nuclear weapons but also broke new ground in arms control verification, according to declassified documents on INF negotiations published today by the National Security Archive.
Marking the expiration date today of the INF Treaty following the U.S. withdrawal announcement last October, the e-book publication includes key documents from both Soviet and American sources tracing the entire year of INF negotiations in 1987, and highlights the remarkable proposals on the table at the time (mostly from the Soviet side) for even more intrusive inspections and even more dramatic cuts in both strategic and conventional weapons.
The Archive first published these documents in 2007 on the 20th anniversary of the Washington summit between Reagan and Gorbachev, and since then has published the complete transcripts of all the Reagan-Gorbachev conversations in The Last Superpower Summits (CEU Press, 2016).

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