Holmes, John Haynes

F. 1879 D. 1964
Amerikansk præst, pacifist og Gandhi-tilhænger.
John Haynes Homes var stiftende medlem af både Den nationale forening til fremme af farvede folk, the Anti-Enlistment League og Den Amerikanske Borgerrettighedsforening samt de amerikanske afdelinger af Forsoningsforbundet og Krigsmodstandernes Inter-nationale under og efter første verdenskrig samt All World Gandhi Fellowship i mellemkrigsårene. Støtteerklæring til den fængslede Roger Nash Baldwin, 1918. Han modtog Gandhis fredspris i 1961. Han var medforfatter til antologien Readings from great authors : arranged for responsive, or other use in churches, schools, forums, homes, etc. -: New York : Dodd, Mead and Co., 1918 ; 1929. John Haynes Holmes Memorial Fund Committee er opkaldt efter ham. Arkiv: Library of Congress og Harvard Divinity School: Holmes, John Haynes. Correspondence and phonograph recordings, 1928-1978, herunder, A Letter to Gandhi, phonograph recording (78 r.p.m.): New York, n.d., one double-faced 12 inch record, samt Gandhi, Mohandas Karamchand, 1869-1948. Mahatma Gandhi, his spiritual message. Phonograph recording (78 r.p.m.); [1931]. ..


Holmes, John Haynes: War Literature Today: Novels, Plays, Histories, Poems. What Do They Teach?
- New York: The Community Church, ca. 1930. - 21 pp.
; The Community Pulpit Series 1930-1931 - No. IV. L.C.)
Holmes, John Haynes: I Speak for Myself, 1959.
Holmes, John Haynes: My Gandhi. - New York: Harper and Brothers, 1953.
Holmes, John Haynes: New wars for old, being a statement of radical pacifism in terms of force versus non-resistance, with special reference to the facts and problems of the great war (1916).
Mahatma Gandhi’s Letters to Americans, edited by E.S. Reddy.
Mahatma Gandhi: an American Portrait by John Haynes Holmes and Bruce A. Southworth.

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