Hanford Engineer Works eller Hanford Nuclear Reservation

Hanford ingeniørværker eller Hanford nuklear reservation.
Amerikansk anlæg til forarbejdning af plutonium til våbenbrug ved Richland og Columbia floden i i staten Washington. Startet under anden verdenskrig af den amerikanske regering som en del af Manhattanprojektet som opfandt og udviklede de første atombomber. Senere under den kolde krig blev projektet udvidet til at omfatte ni atomreaktorer og fem store anlæg til oparbejdning af våbenplutonium, herunder mox. Området er i dag stærkt forurenet.
Entreprenører: Hele området: Fluor Daniel (1994-present); Westinghouse Hanford (1987-1994); General Electric Company (1946-1965); E.I. Du Pont de Nemours & Company (1943-1946). Reaktor operationer: UNC Nuclear Industries (1973-1987); United Nuclear Industries (1967-1973); Douglas United Nuclear (1965-1967). Kemisk Oparbejdning: Rockwell Hanford Company (1977-1987); Atlantic-Richfield Hanford Company (1967-1977); Isochem, Incorporated (1965-1967).
Event Summary 5/9/2017 10:37 AM
The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Richland Operations Office activated the Hanford Emergency Operations Center at 8:26 a.m., after an alert was declared. Officials are responding to reports of a cave-in of a 20 foot section of a tunnel that is hundreds of feet long that is used to store contaminated materials. The tunnel is located next to the Plutonium Uranium Extraction Facility, also known as PUREX, which is located in the center of the Hanford Site in an area known as the 200 East Area. There is no indication of a release of contamination at this point, Crews are continuing to survey the area for contamination. All personnel in the vicinity of the PUREX facility have been accounted for and there are no reports of injuries.
Se også: Atomaffald ; Hanford Challenge.
Hanford Accidents: 2012, 2013.


GAO: Nuclear Waste: Opportunities Exist to Reduce Risks and Costs by Evaluating Different Waste Treatment Approaches at Hanford, 2017.
- http://www.gao.gov/assets/690/684468.pdf

Amerikansk atomlager er »et af de mest forurenede steder på Jorden« : En rapport fra den amerikanske rigsrevision kalder tilstanden for 177 underjordiske tanke med kemisk og radioaktivt affald fra atomvåbenproduktionen for uvis. 67 af tankene lækker allerede.
/ American nuclear storage site is »one of the most polluted places on Earth«: A report from the U.S. GAO calls the state of the 177 underground tanks with chemical and radioactive waste from nuclear weapons production for unknown. 67 of the tanks are leaking already. / : Kalika Bro-Jørgensen I: Ingeniøren, tirsdag 15. jul 2008.
- http://ing.dk/artikel/89712-amerikansk-atomlager-er-et-af-de-mest-forurenede-steder-paa-jorden
GAO: Report to the Subcommittee on Energy and Water Development, Committee on Appropriations, House of Representatives : Nuclear Waste : DOE Lacks Critical Information Needed to Assess Its Tank Management Strategy at Hanford, 2008. - 51 s. - http://www.gao.gov/new.items/d08793.pdf
GAO: Report to the Subcommittee on Energy and Water Development, Committee on Appropriations, House of Representatives : Hanford Waste Treatment Plant : Department of Energy Needs to Strengthen Controls over Contractor Payments and Project Assets, 2008. - 48 s. - http://www.gao.gov/new.items/d07888.pdf
US Dept of Energy: Accelerating Hanford Cleanup (15).
US Dept of Energy: Five Decades of Hanford Plutonium Production (1997).
'A documentary featuring the history of plutonium production at Hanford. Film footage, photographs, and animation is used to highlight key facilities and to explain how plutonium is produced'.
Hanford: the Real Story. Michael Fox, Ph.D.
'Dr. Fox, a consultant with Westinghouse Hanford Co., has worked at Hanford for 22 years. Doctors for Disaster Preparedness 17th Annual Meeting 1999- Seattle, WA'.
Surveillance of Hearing Loss Among Older Construction and Trade Workers at Department of Energy Nuclear Sites / John Dement, Knut Ringen, Laura Welch, Eula Bingham, and Patricia Quinn. American Journal of Industrial Medicine 48:348–358 (2005).
'Medical screening programs at three Departments of Energy (DOE) nuclear weapons facilities (Hanford Nuclear Reservation, Oak Ridge, and the Savannah River Site) have included audiometric testing since approximately 1996. This report summarizes hearing evaluations through March 31, 2003.'
'Hearing thresholds among DOE workers were much higher than observed in a comparison population of industrial workers with low noise exposures. Overall, 59.7% of workers examined were found to have material hearing impairment by NIOSH criteria. Age, duration of construction work, smoking [sic], and self-reported noise exposure increased the risk of hearing loss.'

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