
Græsk: Sygelig eller politisk og religiøst begrundet angst, frygt, skræk og eller dermed foragt og intolerance over for homoseksualitet eller homofile.
Bifobi er irrationel frygt og intolerance overfor biseksuelle.
Homofobi har formodentlig eksisteret lige så længe der har været homoseksuelle.
Siden oldtiden har homofobi været kendt i de fra Mellemøsten baserede fundamentalistiske religioner og senere i vestens kolonialisme.
Se også: Diskrimination ; misogyn ; minoritet ; sexologi.


Human Rights Watch: Uniform discrimination : The "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" Policy of the U.S. Military.
- http://www.hrw.org/reports/2003/usa0103/index.htm
State-sponsored homophobia: A world survey of laws: Criminalisation, protection and recognition of same-sex love. / : Lucas Paoli Itaborahy & Jingshu Zhu.
International Lesbian Gay Bisexual Trans and Intersex Association, 2014.
- http://old.ilga.org/Statehomophobia/ILGA_SSHR_2014_Eng.pdf
Ultra-Orthodox Israeli Stabs 6 at a Gay Pride Parade for Second Time, Police Say. / : Isabel Kershner. New York Times, July 30, 2015.
JERUSALEM — An ultra-Orthodox Jewish man who had recently been released from prison after serving 10 years for stabbing participants in the annual Gay Pride Parade here in 2005 struck again Thursday, stabbing six marchers in this year’s parade, according to the police.

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