
H-Peace is an international scholarly network that seeks to broaden understanding about historical and contemporary peace and justice concerns. An affiliate of the Peace History Society, H-Peace provides an easy way to stay informed of the latest developments in Peace History and Peace Studies, and to communicate with other scholars working and teaching in these fields.
H-Peace will specifically address issues of:
-nonviolent theory and practice
-disarmament, arms control, and international peacekeeping campaigns
-state-sponsored, non-governmental, and grassroots efforts to promote peace, social justice and human rights
-peace culture and education
-the impact of gender, race, class, sexuality, religion, nationality, and ethnicity on regional and global conflicts
-poverty, underdevelopment, epidemics, natural resources, and the global economy and environment as they pertain to questions of peace, war, and security
-nonviolent alternatives to violence and war
The H-Peace list is co-edited by Marian Mollin, mmollin@vt.edu, Ian Lekus, lekus@duke.edu, Scott Bennett, bennetts@georgian.edu, Christy Snider, csnider@berry.edu, and Amy Schneidhorst, aschne1@uic.edu. The editors serve two-year renewable terms, with the approval of the H-Net Executive Committee, and rotate their duties. The current editor will be identified in all messages coming from the list. The editors will solicit postings (by email, phone and regular mail), will assist people in managing subscriptions and setting up options, will handle routine inquiries, and will consolidate some postings. The editors will post and solicit announcements and calls for conferences, panels, fellowships, and other such matters. The editors invite suggestions regarding the scope and operation of H-Peace.
Like all H-Net lists, H-Peace is moderated to edit out material that, in the editors' opinion, is not germane to the list, that involves technical matters (such as subscription management requests), that is inflammatory, or that violates evolving, yet common, standards of Internet etiquette. A full copy of the H-Net Constitution and Bylaws and other important information may be found on the World Wide Web at:
Contributions: "Netiquette." The tone and content of H-PEACE depend directly on subscribers. The editors want to encourage lively, informal, productive discussion and exchange of information. To that end, we ask that contributions be considerate of the needs of a busy audience of scholars, many of whom must pay for their access to the internet. A number of excellent guides to online behavior and style are available on the World Wide Web; we invite you consult them.
To subscribe, send the following command (turn off signatures, styles/fonts, and word wrap if you expect the line to wrap), as an email message to:
The command, in the body of the text, not any header, should read exactly as follows:
sub H-PEACE your name, institution
When you subscribe, LISTSERV will send you a confirmation message containing important information about managing your subscription. Please save this message as a text file for future reference. ALL changes to your subscription must be addressed to listserv@h-net.msu.edu, the software that manages the distribution and archiving of list electronic mail.

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