Det danske Fredsakademi

Litteratur og links om Hiroshima og Nagasaki - Bøger

1. Avery, John: Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

2 Burchett, Wilfred G.:
Shadows of Hiroshima / Wilfred G. Burchett.
- London : Verso, 1983. - 123 s. - ISBN 0-86091-783-5

3 Børn af Hiroshima.
/ [ed.] Arata Osada.
- København : Steen Hasselbalchs forlag, 1962. - 105 s.
Et udvalg af stile som japanske skolebørn, der havde oplevet atombombesprængningen, blev opfordret til at skrive i 1951.

4 Hersey, John:
Hiroshima / John Hersey. - København : Spektrum, 1962. - 156 s.
Beskrivelse af, hvordan en række mennesker oplevede atombombens eksplosion og tiden umiddelbart derefter.

5 Eatherly, Claude:
Samvittighed forbudt! / Claude Eatherly ; Günter Anders.
- København : Gyldendals uglebøger, 1961. - 149 s.
Brevveksling mellem en tysk forfatter og den amerikanske pilot, som gav signalet til nedkstningen af den første atombombe over Hiroshima; hvis skyldsfølelse senere har ført til hans tvangsindlæggelse som sindsyg.

6 Hoodbhoy, Pervez : Bin Laden And Hiroshima

7 Jungk, Robert:
Stråler fra asken : Historien om Hiroshimas genfødsel / Robert Jungk.
- København : Jespersen og Pio, 1960. - 274 s.
Forfatteren, der er journalist, giver ud fra dagbogsberetninger og kommissionsbetænkninger et billede af Hiroshima fra nedkastningen af atombomben til 1960.

8 Jungk, Robert:
Stærkere end tusinde sole
: Atomforskernes skæbne / Robert Jungk.
- København : Jespersen og Pio, [1957]. - 309 s.

9 Junod, Marcel:
Den yderste umenskelighed
: Hiroshima-katastrofen / Marcel Junod.
- København : Dansk Røde Kors, 1986. - 57 s.
»Den yderste umenneskelighed« er en vidneberetning om Hiroshima-katastrofen den 6. august 1945. Den er skrevet af Røde Kors lægen, dr. Marcel Junod, der som delegat for Den Internationale Røde Kors Komite besøgte Hiroshima 1 måned efter katastrofen. Men »Den yderste umenneskelighed« er også en beretning om staternes og menneskets ansvar for at forhindre krig for krigen starter i menneskets sind - det gør freden også!

10 Maruki, Toshi:
Lynet over Hiroshima / Toshi Maruki.
- Målev : Forlaget Hjulet, 1983. - 44 s. : ill. ; 24 cm. - ISBN 87-87403-42-0
I denne illustrerede bog har kunstneren gengivet den 7-årige Michan og hendes mors oplevelser, da atombomben kastes over Hiroshima.

11 Miura, Katzue:
Overleven indenfor 500 meter i Hiroshima / Katzue Miura.
- København : Nej til Atomvåben, 1981. - 16 s. : ill.
Forfatteren fortæller om, hvordan hun mistede hele sin familie, da bomben blev kastet, om hendes senere liv, og om hvordan hun blev aktiv i fredsbevægelsen.

12 Nagai Takashi:
Vi fra Nagasaki / Nagai Takashi.
- København : C. A. Reitzel, 1951. - 160 s.

13 Pedersen, Palle:
Atombomben over Hiroshima / Palle Pedersen.

14 Pedersen, Thomas Bo:
Hiroshima : et endeløst mareridt / Thomas Bo Pedersen.
- København : Fagbevægelsen for fred, 1985. - 40 s. : ill.

Ubesejrede marcherer vi… : En arv til freden / .
- København : Nej til Atomvåben, 1981. - 39 s. : ill.
Overlevende fra de atombomberamte byer Nagasaki og Hiroshima fortæller om deres oplevelser dengang og kampen for livet senere.

War Department. U.S. Strategic Bombing Survey. Pacific Survey. Physical Damage Division: Photographs Used In The Report Effects of the Atomic Bomb on Hiroshima, Japan.

17 Öe, Hide:
Da solen blev mørk / Hide Öe.

Links to Hiroshima, Nagasaki, nuclear weapons and protests

Date: 27 Jul 00 20:01:45 BST

From: Martyn Lowe -

Remembering the Bomb : A webpage briefing - Introduction

August 6th is Hiroshima day.

August 9th in Nagasaki Day.

The Websites

This website briefing is intended for those who wish to know more about Nukiller Weapons, & to take part in the efforts to abolish them too.

The Hiroshima Peace Site -

This is the Hiroshima Peace Memorial Museum, & Hiroshima Peace Culture Foundation. website. It contains a lot of information about the bomb, & gives it is a very intelligent graphic style.

CSI HIROSHIMA Live Project -

The full title for this body is the Chugoku-Shikoku Internet Council.

The website describes itself as:

'Multimedia live on the 50th Hiroshima Peace Memorial Ceremony with video and voice (5 languages) on August 6, 1995.'

- - - which is just what you will find upon this website.

There are also some useful Links to the following website:
The City of Hiroshima WWW server
A-bomb WWW museum
1000 Cranes Project
200,000 Paper Cranes for the 21st Century
Citizens of the Earth Campaign &
Bright Hopes for Tomorrow(Painting and Poem)


Remembering Nagasaki

This is a website exhibition of photographs taken in Nagasaki, which show the devastation that the bomb unleashed.

These photos cover a period starting on August 10th - The day after the bomb exploded.

This is a website for anyone who really wants to find out about the human cost of such weapons.


The Nuclear Files -

This is a website with a lot of information about Nukiller weapons.

Here is information about which countries have the bomb, Nukiller 'accidents', proliferation issues, & the whole Atom history.

You can also find out a lot about the issue of depleted Uranium weapons, which were used Kosov@ & the gulf wars.

This is a website for anyone who really wants to get involved in learning about the issues, & then going out to campaign about them.


International physicians for the prevention of Nuclear War (IPPNW)

'IPPNW is a non-partisan global federation of medical organizations dedicated to research, education, and advocacy relevant to the prevention of nuclear war. '

This is an International organisation with affiliates in such countries as :

Argentina, Austria, Bangladesh, Belgium, Denmark, France, Germany, Israel, Jordan, Kazakhstan, Nepal, Norway, Poland, Ukraine, & Zambia.

IPPNW campaigns have included such issues as Landmines, as well as Nukiller weapons. IPPNW was the winner of the 1985 Nobel Peace Price. Their webpage lists a lot of very excellent publications, as well as including links to such organisation as:
the International Action Network on Small Arms
International Committee of the Red Cross
Landmine Survivors Network
Abolition 2000 Campaign
Nuclear Age Peace Foundation
plus the webpages of some of the IPPNW affiliates.

A very useful website.


International Association of Lawyers Against Nuclear Arms (IALANA ) -

This is the webpage for one of the more specialist Internationals.

The webpage contains information about:
The Hague Appeal for Peace,
World Court project,
Non proliferation treaties,
The International Criminal Court, &
other legalistic efforts to stop war.

Links upon this website include:
The International Court of Justice (Peace Palace, The Hague),
The Los Alamos Study Group,
Lawyers Without Borders, &
Transnational Institute (TNI).


Campaign Against Depleted Uranium -

This is perhaps one of the most important of current campaigns.

To quote the website:

''Depleted' Uranium (DU) is left after enriched uranium is separated from natural uranium in order to produce fuel for nuclear reactors and nuclear weapons. The term 'depleted' implies it isn't particularly dangerous, but in fact, this waste product of the nuclear industry is 'conveniently' disposed of by producing deadly weapons.

The Campaign Against Depleted Uranium was launched in 1999 to focus specifically on trying to achieve a global ban on the manufacture, testing, and use of depleted uranium weapons. We are now part of a global network dedicated to fighting against these weapons, and are involved with a number of different initiatives. '

This website gives information upon such questions as:
The Potential Health Effects,
Depleted Uranium in Iraq,
Gulf War Veterans,
Depleted Uranium in Kosov@ and Serbia,

There is also information about the work of CADU, & links to other organisations that are also working upon the issue, e.g. Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament, Campaign Against the Arms Trade, & The Military Toxics Project

CADU also produce an excellent newsletter which available via email.


Trident Ploughshares -

'Trident Ploughshares is a campaign to disarm the UK Trident nuclear weapons system in a non-violent, open, peaceful and fully accountable manner.'

This is a very useful website if you wish to know about nonviolent direct action { NVDA } against nukiller weapons within the U.K.

The website contains news about both recent & forthcoming NVDA at Nukiller basis, plus lots of useful information for activists.

Links upon this website include not just peace movement organisations such as:

Scottish CND
(Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament ),
Lawyers' Committee on Nuclear Policy (LCNP),
Global AntiNuclear Alliance (GANA)(Ak Malten), & Physicians for Global Survival (Canada),
but also the websites of both the UK DERA - Defence Evaluation and Research Agency, & Kings Bay Trident Base, Georgia.

So you can get some idea about the problems we are up against.

A very useful website for all individuals that are interested in supporting NVDA again the bomb.


Global Network Against Weapons and Nuclear Power in Space

To quote the website:

'The Global Network, and a growing list of organizations around the world, are calling for local actions on October 7, 2000. We urge you to organize an action at a military base, DoE laboratory, NASA facility, U.S. Embassy, an aerospace corporation, or at an academic institution that is working on military space.

Help us give voice to the growing global movement to keep space for peace. Working together it can be done! '

This is something that has been backed up a long list of organisations that are listed upon the website.

The website also gives information about laser weapons, satellites, & all aspects of star war technologies.

This is a website that we might all need to come back to during the next few months. …………………………………..


The Bomb has not gone way, & there is still a lot of work that needs to be done in order to abolish it.

Martyn Lowe

July 2000


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