
Gas er en af de fire grundlæggende materietilstande (de andre er fast, flydende og plasma).
Naturgas er alle former for fossile gasser der udvindes af undergrunden eksempelvis metan CH4- og skifergas.
Visse gasser er naturligt radioaktive.
Radioaktive ædelgasser forekommer også i forbindelse med både atmosfæriske og underjordiske atomvåbenforsøg.
Se også: Brint ; drivhusgasser ; energi ; gasbomber ; gaskrig ; gasmaske : Forum for gaseksporterende lande / Gas Exporting Countries Forum ; kemi ; kuldioxid CO2 ; lattergas ; luftforurening ; ozon ; pebergas ; plasmafysik ; Rådet for El- og Gasteknisk Sikkerhed ; termodiffusion ; tåregas ; udstødningsgasser.


CRS: Methane and Other Air Pollution Issues in Natural Gas Systems. / : Richard K. Lattanzio, 2017.
The natural gas supply chain contributes to air pollution in several ways, including (1) the leaking, venting, and combustion of natural gas in the course of production operations; and (2) the combustion of other fossil fuel resources or other emissions during associated operations. Emission sources include pad, road, and pipeline construction; well drilling, completion, and flowback activities; and gas processing and transmission equipment such as controllers, compressors, dehydrators, pipes, and storage vessels. Pollutants include, most prominently, methane (i.e., the principal component of natural gas) and volatile organic compounds (VOCs)— of which the natural gas industry is one of the highest-emitting industrial sectors in the United States—as well as nitrogen oxides, sulfur dioxide (SO2), and various forms of hazardous air pollutants (HAPs).

Stryhn Kjeldtoft: Sebastian: NASA opdager årelangt gigantisk metangasudslip i det vestlige USA. I: Information. 17. oktober 2014.

Tear gassing by remote control: The development and promotion of remotely operated means of delivering or dispersing riot control agents. / : Michael Crowley. - London : The Remote Control project, 2015.
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