fredssangen, 1945
fredssangen, 1945

fredssang / peace song

Salme, indeholdende en bøn om fred.
Også sang som under vikingetiden skulle afslutte et slag og stifte fred.
Begrebet kendes fra 1761 med mulige rødder tilbage til skotternes frihedskamp mod de norske vikinger i 1100 tallet :
"Such were the words of Fingal, when the bard raised the song of peace ; we stopped our uplifted swords, and spared the feeble foe. We laid Erragon in that tomb ; and I raised the voice of grief:...
Raise, Ullin, raise the song of peace, and sooth my soul after battle, that my ear may forget the noise of arms. And let a hundred harps be near to gladden the king of Lochlin...."

Tidlige salme musikeksempler:

Edison Mixed Quartette: Sweet peace, the gift of God's love. Edison Standard Record 10166, [1909].

Harry Anthony & James F. Harrison: Let joyous peace reign ev'rywhere. Edison Amberol 1008, [1912].

Harry Anthony & James F. Harrison: The valley of peace. Edison Blue Amberol 1559, [1912].

R. Festyn Davies: Wonderful peace. Edison Blue Amberol 1598, [1912].

Philip H. Wolfram: Let us have peace. Edison Blue Amberol 2558, 1915.

Se også: Fredshymne ; fredsklokke ; gospel ; klagesange ; musik.


Blicher, Steen Steensen: Ossians Digte
I-II (København 1807-1809
Christensen, Charlotte: Ossian-illustrationer i Danmark. I: Fund og Forskning, Bind 19 (1972).
McDonald, Larry : Who was the Ancient Scottish Warrior Fingal? Macpherson, James: Fingal, an Ancient Epic Poem, in Six Books, together with several other Poems, composed by Ossian, the Son of Fingal. (1761)

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