- ☮
Latin, fransk: Fonde, der økonomisk støtter
organiseret fredsarbejde eller enkeltpersoner med
enkeltbeløb efter ansøgning eller som gave. Nogle
fonde kan være ophørte eller har brugt deres
- Se: Agape Foundation ; Benny Cederfelds
Hjælpefond, Bertrand
Russell Peace Foundation, the California Wellness
Foundation, Carl Scharnbergs Uofficielle Fond for
solidaritet, menneskeret og fred, Colombe D'Oro,
Edita & Ira Morris’ Hiroshima Foundation, Ellen Hørup's Fond, Drassows Pris,
Fonden til Bekæmpelse af Forsøg med
Atomvåben, Foundación Cultura de Paz,
Freds- og Miljøfonden, Fredsfonden, Fredsfondet af
1941, Fredsskattefonden,
Fredsvennernes Fond, Greenham Common Støttefond,
Græsrodsfonden ; Henni
Forchhammers Rejselegat, Hermod Lannungs Fond,
Narvik Peace Foundation, Nordisk Fredsfond, the Nuclear Age
Peace Foundation, The Stuart Morris Memorial Fund,
Sydney Peace Foundation, World
Peace Movement Trust.
- The Pau Casals Foundation
- http://www.paucasals.org/en/Introduccion/
'Pau Casals is widely regarded as one of the greatest musicians of
the 20th century as well as a devoted humanist and defender of
freedom, justice and peace. His international career began in Paris
in 1899 and took him around the world. He spent the last 34 years
of his life in exile, pining for his beloved Catalonia and his
beach house at Sant Salvador in El Vendrell. During his exile, he
was extraordinarily active with concerts benefiting Spanish and
Catalan refugees who had fled the totalitarian regime to southern
France and helping them in every possible way. With time, those
activist efforts were complemented by his participation in
festivals and master classes, and by conducting his oratorio El
Pessebre (The Manger) in an international crusade for peace.'
- Se også: Civilstyrelsen ;
fredspris ; Nobels Fredspris.
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