
En bibliografi som registrerer indspillede musikalske udgivelser. Bergrebet kendes fra 1933.
Diskografiers data kan være mere eller mindre universelle, nationale eller emne og genreopdelte, eksemeplvis i form af pladeselskabers salgs- og lagerlister.
Se også: Filmografi ; oldtime.


Atkins, Jerry : Magnificent Obsession: The Discographers.
- http://www.jazzdiscography.com/Essays/obsess.htm
First published in edited form in Jazz Journal International, November and December 1982, later in expanded form in IAJRC Journal, Winter 1989-90.
American Show Music on Record - http://www.loc.gov/rr/record/showmusic/
British Library: Early record catalogues. Number of items in collection: 175 - See more at: http://sounds.bl.uk/sound-recording-history/early-record-catalogues#sthash.s0EqedHi.dpuf These early catalogues cover discs produced by record companies for the British market during the acoustic era from 1898 to 1926. In addition to the major record companies, smaller companies are represented such as Aco and Homochord as well as foreign companies such as Odeon and Pathé who were producing discs in the UK at the time.
Brooks, Tim: Survey of Reissues of U.S. Recordings / Commissioned for and sponsored by the National Recording Preservation Board, Library of Congress, 2005 - 36 s. - http://www.clir.org/pubs/reports/pub133/pub133.pdf
Friedman, Howard: The Collector’s Guide to Gramophone Company Record Labels 1898 - 1925.
Friedman, Howard S.: Gramophone Company Matrix and Catalog Numbers.
Fællesregister over grammofonplader fra firmaerne Metronome Records A/S, Nordisk Polyphon A/S, Philips Grammofon Industri A/S, Skandinavisk Grammophon Akts., Skandinavisk Odeon Akts., Telefunken "(AEG Dansk Elektrioitets Akts.)", Tono Grammofonplader. 1955.
Gottfried Ruben-samlingen - Statsbiblioteket - http://rubensamlingen.wordpress.com/
Ruben-Valserne – Danmarks ældste lydoptagelser Af Ole Bisbjerg & Eva Fønss-Jørgensen, 10. juni 2008.
RareTunes, archive of recordings of Scottish Traditional Music - http://www.archive.org/details/raretunes
Rust, Brian: Discography of historical records on cylinders and 78s.
Westport, Conn. : Greenwood Press, 1979.
Scans of British 78 rpm record labels.
The state of recorded sound preservation in the United States : a national legacy at risk in the digital age / commissioned for and sponsored by the National Recording Preservation Board of the Library of Congress. p. cm. -- (CLIR publication ; no. 148).
Aagaard, René: Record Collecting - Discography - Diskografi - Pladesamleren - Lakplader - 78'ere.

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