CACI International Inc.

Amerikansk våbenfabrik, en del af USA's militær-industrielle kompleks.. Grundlagt 1962. Ansatte: 5.550 CACI International er et softwarefirma som intigrerer forretningssoftware og netværk til USAs regering og enkelte private kunder. I november 2001 opkøbtes Digital Systems International Corp. Halvdelen af virksomhedens fortjeneste kommer fra Pentagon: CACI International, an Arlington defense contractor, said it won $266 million in previously unannounced contracts to support national security and intelligence efforts for a national intelligence agency client and other government agencies involved in the war on terrorism. CACI did not name the government clients. The company will provide network services, systems integration, knowledge management and intelligence support services. All of the contracts were awarded during CACI's first fiscal 2005 quarter, which ended Sept. 30. Sixty percent of the contracts constitute new work for the company.
Additional information, news releases, and FAQs on CACI's Iraq business and these related matters is available on CACI's website:

Caci Gets $20.4 Million Military Deal. 03.24.2005, 10:10 AM

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