cyper war

Amerikansk: Krigsførelse, IW, mod fjendens computersystemer.
Forskning i IW foregår bl.a. i Institute for Creative Technology under University of Southeren California.
Se også: US cyber command ; netterror.


CRS: Cybersecurity: Authoritative Reports and Resources. / : Rita Tehan, 2013. - 92 s.
Cyber Vault Highlights
Seminal 1967 Prophecy to latest 2017 Grizzly Steppe Hack Analysis
National Security Archive Electronic Briefing Book No. 590
Washington, D.C., May 3, 2017 – A Rand Corporation 1967 paper predicted many of the cyber dilemmas faced by policy makers today, and a 2017 expanded analysis of the “GRIZZLY STEPPE” hacking by Russian cyber operators disclosed key findings about the techniques the hackers used and ways to mitigate them, according to the National Security Archive publication today of 40+ highlighted primary sources from the critically-praised “Cyber Vault” at
Compiled and edited by noted intelligence historian Dr. Jeffrey T. Richelson, the Cyber Vault collection of primary sources is growing by a dozen or more documents every week, and includes the declassified briefings provided by the National Security Agency to the George W. Bush and Barack Obama transition teams in 2000 and 2009, respectively. The collection also includes a 2016 order from the U.S. Cyber Command to set up a unit with the mission of debilitating and destroying computer and communications operations of the terrorist group ISIS.
The Cyber Vault team obtained the 2016 order under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA). The project has filed scores of other FOIA and declassification requests as part of a multi-year documentation contribution to the growing field of cyber studies, with the support of the William and Flora Hewlett Foundation.
The 2000 transition briefing explicitly foreshadowed the Edward Snowden controversy, warning the new White House team that the 4th Amendment-protected communications of Americans were inextricably mixed with those of foreigners on the Internet. The 2016 U.S. Cyber Command order established a joint task force designed to bring the resources of the Defense Department, Intelligence Community, and Justice Department to bear against the terrorist group that the Trump administration has since designated its top foreign policy priority.
Lau, Filip: Kunstig krig. I: Information, 04/11/2001.
Nielsen, Jørgen Sten: Krigen udkæmpes også i cyperspace : Israelske og arabiske hackere optrapper i øjeblikket deres angreb på modpartens elektroniske infrastruktur. I: Information, 04/22/2002.

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