US Council of National Defense

Den amerikanske Rådet for Nationalt Forsvar blev oprettet i 1916 "for koordinering af industrier og ressourcer til den nationale sikkerhed og velfærd", og det bestod af krigsministeren, flådeministeren, indenrigsministeren, landbrugsministeren, handelsministeren og arbejdsministeren. / The US Council of National Defense was created in 1916 "for the co-ordination of industries and resources for the national security and welfare"; it consisted of the Secretaries of War, Navy, Interior, Agriculture, Commerce and Labor.


The Historical Society of PennsylvaniaPennsylvania: Council of National Defense and Committee of Public Safety records Collection 1551 1917-1921 -
Annual report of the United States Council of National Defense (1917).
Each report issued in two editions, a "Bureau edition" and a numbered document edition (Congressional series) Report year ends June 30. The third report, 1918/19, is found also in the Reports of the War department, 1919, v. 1, pt. 4, p. 4669-4826.
United States. Council of National Defense : Council of national defense (1917).
United States. Council of National Defense : U.S. Council of National Defense records, 1918
Partial file of the names of 250,000 Detroit women who volunteered for war work, April-May 1918.

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