Clements, Kevin P.

Kevin P. Clements ( is a Professor of Peace and Conflict Studies, and the Foundation Director of the Australian Centre for Peace and Conflict Studies at the University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia. He was Secretary General of International Alert (1999-2003), one of the world's largest NGOs devoted to conflict prevention and transformation in Africa, Eurasia, and Asia. Before then, Clements was the Vernon and Minnie Lynch Chair of Conflict Resolution at the Institute for Conflict Analysis and Resolution at George Mason University in Fairfax, Virginia (1994-2000), and Director of the Institute (1994-1999). Earlier posts included Director of the Quaker UN Office in Geneva; Head of the Peace Research Centre at the Australian National University in Canberra; Senior Lecturer in Sociology and Coordinator of Peace Studies at Canterbury University, Christchurch, New Zealand; Lecturer in Sociology at Hong Kong University; and Post Doctoral Fellow at Oxford University, where he worked on development issues. He has served as President of the International Peace Research Association, or IPRA (1994-1998); President of the IPRA Foundation (1995-2000); Secretary General of the Asia Pacific Peace Research Association; advised the New Zealand, Australian, British, Swedish, and Dutch governments on conflict prevention, peace, defence, and security issues; and been a consultant to non-governmental and intergovernmental organizations on disarmament, arms control, conflict resolution, development, and regional security issues. He has written or edited 5 books and over 135 chapters/articles on conflict transformation, peacebuilding, preventive diplomacy, and development.