Clark, Howard

Pacifist activist - Born 1950. Dead 2013.
Co - editor of Peace News 1971 - 1976 & subsequently a member of the Peace News board.
Co founder of Greenpeace (London), while the group was involved in campaigning against Atomic bomb tests in the Pacific.
Co-founder British Withdrawal from Northern Ireland Campaign (1973) and tried (and fined) in 1976 for helping soldiers leave the British Army in Northern Ireland.
Unemployed 1976-81.
Part-time research student at Bradford University Department of Peace Studies, M. Phil (1981-83).
Researcher for the Alternative Defence Commission, 1983-85.
Co -ordinator of the War Resisters' International 1985 - 1997.
Member of the international Council of WRI from 1998 - present.
Active in Balkan Peace Team from its foundation 1993 to its closure 2002.
Research Fellow, Albert Einstein Institution (Cambridge, Mass) 1997-1999.
Research Fellow, Centre for the Study of Forgiveness and Reconciliation, University of Coventry, 2000 - present.
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Publications include

Kosovo Work in Progress : Closing the Cycle of Violence (Centre for the Study of Forgiveness and Reconciliation, University of Coventry, January 2001)
Civil Resistance in Kosovo (Pluto Press, 2000)
German edition comes out in 2003 (verlag Weber-Zucht)
currently also raising funds for Albanian edition.
When the best say No (War Resisters' International, 1989 - on war resistance in South Africa)
Preparing for Nonviolent Direct Action with Angela McKee, Sheryl Crown and Hugh MacPherson (Peace News and CND, 1983)
Atoms for War (CND, 1982)
Making Nonviolent Revolution (Peace News, 1977 and 1981)

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