brand / fire

1. Navn på svensk anarkistisk tidsskrift.
2. Ildebrand, antændt i form af eksempelvis lyn, naturkatastrofer som vulkanudbrud eller mark- og skovbrande eller brande der skyldes ulykker med ild og varme eller pyromaner.
Dødsbrand: En brand, hvor én eller flere personer omkommer som følge af branden.
Brande næres af brændstof, brændbare materialer, varme og tørre omgivelser, vinde, vindspring og ildtornadoer.
3. Brande kan også skyldes anvendelsen af brandbomber og atomvåben i krig.
4. Brande forårsager aske, sod og partikelforurening.
5. Den eneste redning for mennesker og dyr ved brand er evakuering fra brandområdet.
6.Dødsbrandsstatistikken viser dødsbrande og omkomne ved brand.
Et brandvæsen, Redningsberedskabet, og brandmænd søger at slukke ildebrande.
Brande kan slukkes med pulverslukkere og vand, vandhelikoptere og vandkanoner.
Se også: Brandalarm ; brandbil ; btandbrev ; brandbælte ; branddør ; brandforsikring ; brandhane ; brandklassifikation ; Brandmaskine ; brandsikkerhed ; brandstation ; brandsår / burns ; brandvagt ; brandvarm ; brandvej ; brandøvelse ; Hvidovre Hospitals Brandsårsafdeling ; Great Boston fire of 1872 ; Justitsministeriets Brandråd ; Justitsministeriets Brandudvalg ; Københavns brand ; mordbrand ; Rigshospitalets Brandsårsafdeling. Se: Klinikken for Plastikkirurgi, Brystkirurgi og Brandsårsbehandling ; Statens Brandinspektion ; røgforgiftning.


Burn : International Society for Burn Injuries (ISBI). Elsevier, 1974-.
Burns aims to foster the exchange of information among all engaged in preventing and treating the effects of burns. The journal focuses on clinical, scientific and social aspects of these injuries and covers the prevention of the injury, the epidemiology of such injuries and all aspects of treatment including development of new techniques and technologies and verification of existing ones. Regular features include clinical and scientific papers, state of the art reviews and descriptions of burn-care in practice.
CRS: Forest Fire/Wildfire Protection. / : Ross W. Gorte ; Kelsi Bracmort, 2012.
Congress continues to face questions about forestry practices, funding levels, and the federal role in wildfire protection. Recent fire seasons have been, by most standards, among the worst in the past half century. National attention began to focus on wildfires when a prescribed burn in May 2000 escaped control and burned 239 homes in Los Alamos, NM. President Clinton responded by requesting a doubling of wildfire management funds, and Congress enacted much of this proposal in the FY2001 Interior appropriations act (P.L. 106-291). President Bush responded to the severe 2002 fires by proposing a Healthy Forests Initiative to reduce fuel loads by expediting review processes...
The spread of housing into forests and other wildlands, combined with various ecosystem health problems, has substantially increased the risks to life and property from wildfire. Wildfires seem more common than in the 1960s and 1970s, with 2005, 2006, and 2007 being the most severe fire seasons since 1960. National attention was focused on the problem by a fire that burned 239 houses in Los Alamos, NM, in May 2000. Issues for Congress include oversight of the agencies’ fire management activities and other wildland management practices that have altered fuel loads over time; consideration of programs and processes for reducing fuel loads; and federal roles and responsibilities for wildfire protection and damages. Funding for wildfire protection programs is also a significant congressional issue, but is covered separately in CRS Report RL33990, Federal Funding for Wildfire Control and Management, by Ross W. Gorte and Kelsi Bracmort.
CRS: Wildfire Statistics, 2018.
Wildfires are unplanned and unwanted fires, including lightning-caused fires, unauthorized human-caused fires, and escaped prescribed fire projects.
I Mellemøsten kan vandet sætte alting i brand
Mellemøstens vandmangel skaber apokalyptiske scenarier og sender mennesker på flugt : Klimaforandringer og forværrede miljøforhold forstærker vandkrisen i Mellemøsten og risikerer at gøre dele af regionen ubeboelig ved århundredeskiftet. »Glem fremtiden,« siger en international ekspert: »Apokalyptiske scenarier i regionen udspiller sig allerede for vores øjne, og vi er ikke engang begyndt at tale om det« / : Waleed Safi. I: Information, 27. juli 2018.
Leder: Australsk røg. I: Information, 16. november 2019.
Leder: Det brændende spørgsmål om prisen. I: Information, 26. juli 2018.
Sådan ser det ud, når lokummet brænder. Jørgen Steen Nielsen. I: Information, 1. august 2018.

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