Ballou, Adin

F. 1803 D.1890
Amerikansk borgerrettighedsforkæmper og pacifist. Medlem af New England Non-Resistance Society og det socialistiske Hopedale community i 1841. Fra 1843 fungerede han som formand for New England Non-resistence Society. Han arbejdede sammen med sin ven William Lloyd Garrison, indtil de brød over Garrison's støtte til vold i kampen mod slaveriet. I 1846 Ballou udgav sit hovedværk om pacifisme, Christian non-Resistance. Ballou var også involveret i Universal Peace Union der blev grundlagt i 1866. Under borgerkrigen, stod Ballou ved hans pacifistiske synspunkter, selv når andre kristne pacifistske ledere ikke gjorde det. Friends of Adin Ballou og og Unitarian Universalist Peace Fellowship Adin Ballou Award er opkaldt efter ham.


Dedication of the Adin Ballou memorial, including the unveiling of the statue, a historical statement with formal presentation and response, commemorative addresses and accompanying exercises, at Hopedale, Massachusetts, October 27, 1900 (1901).
Ballou, Adin: History of the Hopedale community, from its inception to its virtual submergence in the Hopedale parish (1897).
Ballou, Adin: Authobiography of Adin Ballou, 1803-1890. Containing an elaborate record and narrative of hs life from infancy to old age. 1896.
Ballou, Adin: Christian non-resistance in all its important bearings : illustrated and defended, together with A discourse on Christian non-resistance in extreme cases, and Christian non-resistance defended against Rev. Henry Ward Beecher.. 1846.
Ballou, Adin: Non-resistance in relation to human governments (1839).
Ballou, Adin: Passive Resistance.
Ballou, Adin: A Discourse on the Subject of American Slavery: Delivered in the First Congregation Meeting ... (1837). -
The Voice of Duty: Address Delivered at the Anti-Slavery Picnic at Westminster, Mass. July 4, 1843. - Hopedale, Milford, Mass: Community Press, 1843. - 11 s. -

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